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Home NewsLocal Election Period Extended to ‘Maximise Voter Turnout’

Election Period Extended to ‘Maximise Voter Turnout’

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university of Exeter Students’ Guild has extended its election period for various Guild and NUS posts to next Friday 12 October at 1pm. The news was officially announced on the Guild Student Voice Twitter feed on the morning of 5 October.

While, initially, no reason for the change was publicly stated, the following email was sent to candidates last night:

Dear Candidate,

It has become necessary to extend the election voting, due to a desire to maximise voter turnout and enable you to get your campaign messages across to potential voters.

This means that voting in these elections will remain open until 1pm on Friday 12 October 2018 – extending the current deadline by precisely one week.

We are acting as a Guild to increase the turn-out through a significant increase in publicity and have plans in place to improve the awareness and engagement in these elections over the next week.

Please remember that campaign support for your own campaigns as an individual candidate is available, and you can email for help from staff between 9am and 5pm on week days.

This comes after February 2018’s Sabbatical elections saw the lowest voter turnout in recent years at Exeter. No extension to the election period was implemented in February, however, which occurred during the UCU strikes and sudden snowfall. Exeposé will be following this story, alongside the results of the election as they come.

For more information on voting, the election process, or the posts available visit the Guild website:

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