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Home Features 2020 Presidential Hopefuls: Elizabeth Warren

2020 Presidential Hopefuls: Elizabeth Warren

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Elizabeth Warren’s roots are in law and academia. Following the 2008 Financial Crisis, and the lack of ensuing regulation, Warren ran for the Senate in Massachusetts, becoming a congresswomen in 2013. Since then she has been an advocate for business regulation, and is a leading light among progressive politicians. She was not always of the left, however. Warren voted Republican for many years, only switching in 1995.

an advocate for business regulation

Although she is often associated with the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, her ideology and its origins diverge considerably. Whereas Sanders’ democratic socialism is rooted in unions and the Civil Rights Movement, Warren is committed to tweaking the capitalist model, rather than a structural overhaul. in the 2016 primaries, she backed Hilary Clinton over Sanders for the Democratic nomination.

Mid-Terms showed that women are the demographic most energized by Donald Trump’s presidency

Warren has announced her candidacy for the presidency of the United States, and is considered a likely frontrunner for her party’s nomination. The Senior Senator for Massachusetts is a forceful campaigner, winning her 2012 primary by a record 95.7% share of the delegate votes. Her gender may also be an advantage, as the Mid-Terms showed that women are the demographic most energized by Donald Trump’s presidency.

Despite this, Warren has been tarnished by the allegations that she exaggerated her Native American ancestry to gain advancement at Harvard. Her decision to release DNA tests that revealed minimal tribal heritage further stoked derision on the right, and garnered criticism from genuine tribal citizens, who resented both her claim and conduct in the matter.







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