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Home News Patrick Hoyle wins Guild President

Patrick Hoyle wins Guild President

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Patrick Hoyle was declared Guild President, winning the role over Alexander Honey in an election where turnout climbed to 5,609 –  a 3% increase from last year.

Speaking to Exeposé, Hoyle said “I am shook, but I am really excited to start changing the Guild and starting working towards a Guild that I think will work for everyone. I am excited to see the change. I can’t wait!”.

Olivia Harvey will take on the duties of VP Activities in July, while Katie Heard will be VP Welfare & Diversity, Penny Dinh will be VP Education, and Cameron Taylor will be AU President.

Turnout totalled 5,609 voters – an increase compared to the 4,559 participants in 2018. This figure amounts to a 26.59% turnout, an increase from last year’s total of 23.5%, which was affected by extreme weather conditions.

However, this year’s elections were not disrupted by weather, and candidates continued to campaign on Forum Hill as the 4.00pm voting deadline approached.

Undergraduates were the most represented student tier overall, with 4,915 voters, while the College of the Humanities was the most involved Exeter college, with over 32.9% of 5000 members participating. 36,000 valid votes were submitted across all available paid and part time volunteer positions.

A Students’ Guild spokesperson said: “I love the fact that the campaign week has been really positive and good overall, and they should be proud of the campaigns they have run. But now it’s time to focus getting back to the course, and focusing on completing the next couple of months. We can’t wait to start working with them when they start in July”.

Volunteer part-time positions, including Student Trustees, Guild Council, Shadow Council, and SSLC, were also elected at the ceremony. To see the complete list of results, visit:


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