Exeter awarded Gold in South West in Bloom competition

On 13 October, South West in Bloom, one of 18 competitions that make up Britain in Bloom announced that InExeter’s bid won a Gold award.
Britain in Bloom is a nationwide campaign encouraging horticultural, environmental and community action to improve local environments. InExeter, the business improvement district for Exeter City Centre, first entered the contest last year, receiving Silver Gilt.
Judges visited back in July, touring St Sidwell’s Centre, St Sidwell’s Point, The Ivy, The Guildhall Shopping Centre, Princesshay Shopping Centre, and the Northernhay Gardens, guided by InExeter Project Manager Mattie Richardson and Exeter City Council Commercial and Operations Manager Nick Mead.
The judges commended the entry as “well maintained, attractive and pleasant” and the Northernhay gardens in particular as “neat and tidy,” given its inner-city location and small gardening team.
This accomplishment is thanks to InExeter, the Welcome Back and Community Sparks Fund, and local businesses, such as Boyces, the family-run nursery responsible for the over 140 hanging baskets overflowing with flowers.
Their efforts to enhance the cityscape and increase urban biodiversity make running errands and eating out enjoyable for locals and visitors to Exeter.