University of Exeter students raise over £100,000 for Movember

Movember, a charitable event which the whole month of November is dedicated to in order to recognise men’s mental health, has been celebrated at the University of Exeter.
Following on from last year’s success, the University of Exeter won by landslide by raising over £100,000 for the cause, which is more than any other university in the country. Durham came in second, £30,000 short of the bar set by Exeter.
The month was supported by Exeter students in various different ways: from the Exeter Moustache 2022 Campaign, to grow out those filthy moustaches throughout the month, to the EUNC girls running marathons or walking to Exmouth and back. Fundraising activities even included throwing buckets of water over the men’s rugby team outside the Forum.
The ‘Move 4 Movember’ campaign was successful in raising donations, where all sports teams came to a University total of 578,238m, and EURFC moving the most, with 79,488m of the total belonging to them.