We all have those shows or movies that we know aren’t the most acclaimed or knowledgeable, but we love them anyway. I do try and watch things that critics recommend or that I know will give me new information, but sometimes these watches can just be really boring. After a long day, or when I’m feeling sad or stressed, the last thing I want to do is think critically about what I’m watching. Sometimes you just need to shut your brain off and there is no reason to be ashamed of that. That’s where guilty pleasure watches come in. We all have them- something we’ve watched a million times, and still keep coming back to. So, what’s mine? How I Met Your Mother.
After a long day, or when I’m feeling sad or stressed, the last thing I want to do is think critically about what I’m watching. Sometimes you just need to shut your brain off…
Now How I Met Your Mother is a fairly popular show, and there is a good chance you’ve seen it. While many people enjoy it, most don’t see it as very intellectual, it’s the way most sitcoms are viewed. This show has also received some very valid criticisms. Some of the jokes in the show haven’t aged well and would definitely not be made today. It’s also not very diverse, and the use of Barney’s brother could be seen as tokenism. Also, the ending… I’ll admit I skip those last two episodes every time. But despite all this, I think it’s still a perfect guilty pleasure watch. There is something so happy and warming about this show. The characters are loveable, the situations are hilarious, and it always puts a smile on my face. I will give credit where credit is due, the show has won eighteen awards during its run and has 84% on rotten tomatoes, which isn’t bad by any means. The reception of the show is mostly positive, although I don’t think anyone is going to tell you it’s revolutionary.
So that’s my guilty pleasure show, the moment I get a bit sad it’s the first thing I put on to cheer me up. If you haven’t watched How I Met Your Mother before, why not? As far as sitcoms go, I think it’s one of the best out there.