The wealthier and more organised societies will snatch up Reed Hall nine months in advance, ensuring a classy and refined night of stealing each other’s wine. We all know that one society that will rent a small village for the occasion, and evict a herd of local sheep to ensure there are no casualties from their firework display. The rest of us are resigned to eating underwhelming Christmas dinners on the top floor of Revs while wondering why we paid more than a resale TP Wednesday ticket for cold potatoes and turkey.
The attire of the evening is what sets a Winter Ball apart from a normal night at Impy; the guys are dressed in the one suit they brought to Uni while the ladies navigate the grey area between a formal dress and a dress you can trash at a club afterwards. The seating plan provides ample gossip for the night. Why is he sitting at the committee table? He’s not even dating any of them. Did she really get seated at the same table as her ex? The dinner will end with a cliquey award ceremony and the night will progress to one of Exeter’s finest establishments – usually Fever or Unit 1, which are busier than they have been for the previous nine weeks.
In the midst of deadline season, a Winter Ball acts as a brief break where you can submerge yourself in gossip and alcohol, and ultimately get some gorgeous pictures for your Instagram. If you can afford the ticket, that is.