Image: Magda Kanecka
With the cheerleading and dance competition season in full swing, our very own Exeter Emeralds are already showcasing their talent, bringing home several trophies and medals. The Jazz and Lyrical teams were both crowned National Champions at their first competition – the Future Cheer University Nationals, held in Manchester.
Along with the remaining competition cheerleading and dance teams, as well as the recent two Valentine’s Day Rugby Varsity performances and the half-time Exeter Demons American Football performance, all from different teams, these are shining examples of the amazing routines the Emeralds have been working on since the start of the year, and what (literal) tricks we have up our sleeves!
The Jazz and Lyrical teams were both recently crowned National Champions.
As a member, the club has allowed me to extend my social circle, making more friends than I could have imagined. My favourite part of being a cheerleader has always been the teamwork element of it and how it demands a strong group effort, rather than just individual. Before I joined the club, despite having previous cheerleading experience, I was certainly nervous about the social aspect of the club. In particular, I was worried that everyone would already know each other, making it harder to make friends – I couldn’t have been more wrong! I have made so many amazing friends both within my teams and outside of them, and I sincerely encourage anyone who may have watched one of our performances and became curious to try out cheer, dance, or gymnastics, to do so! There really is an opportunity and a welcome for everyone, no matter your background or experience.
A popular debate between cheerleaders and non-cheerleaders concerns whether cheerleading can be considered a sport. I may be biased, but completing a full cheerleading competition routine is certainly an intense workout, both in terms of core and cardio – if it doesn’t constitute a sport, then what does? Besides, the adrenaline rush right before stepping out to perform a full routine, that we have been working so hard on with the help of our super-talented captains, is one of the most overwhelming feelings, in the best ways imaginable! Even better, completing a routine and hitting everything perfectly is arguably the most rewarding part of the sport, no matter the outcome afterwards.
Blood, sweat and cheers!
The upcoming months promise to be exciting for us Exeter Emeralds. Two more competitions for our representative teams in Nottingham and Birmingham are coming up in March, as well as numerous performances at games within the University, and finally, our summer showcase – please look forward to more spotlights and performances full of talent along with blood, sweat and cheers!
To find out more about the University of Exeter Cheerleading, Dance & Gymnastics Club, please visit their Instagram page @exeteremeralds.