Most university students have a daily morning battle: either wake up to have breakfast before a lecture or opting to savour a few extra moments in bed. It can often feel like we have a ‘wake up and go’ mentality.
But this pattern can be detrimental to our physical and mental wellbeing. Starting the day not eating means we aren’t fuelling our bodies and minds for a day of lectures. Equally, not getting enough sleep can hamper our mood and make us feel groggy the next day.
It always sounds easy for experts to suggest getting to bed earlier but this can be a challenge with the inevitable late night studying or doomscrolling sessions. And who can be motivated to get up for an 8:30am lecture when it’s still dark outside?
Well, one way would be to turn your mornings into a ritual, not a rush. Picture this: starting off your morning with some gentle stretching, a warm mug of your favourite drink and your playlist of favourite songs. Sounds ideal right? No more launching out of bed. No more frantic brushing of the teeth. No more grumbling stomachs for the rest of the day.
Picture this: starting off your morning with some gentle stretching, a warm mug of your favourite drink and your playlist of favourite songs. Sounds ideal right?
By taking some time for mindfulness and relaxation in the morning, you will reap the benefits of a clearer mindset, increased energy, and alleviated anxieties. Making time to prepare a nutritious meal will also help enhance memory and attention – which can make the drag of an 8:30am a bit easier to cope with!
Students often struggle with maintaining a slow morning pace as busy schedules often make it feel like one day just blurs into the next. But that is the key with the morning rituals… you have to perform them over and over again to make them stick.
Think of it like trying a new sport or learning a new skill – it takes time to see the improvements and requires consistency, so give it time and soon you’ll be looking forward to waking up so that you can start your morning routine.
Take some time for yourself before the day takes over. Lay out a yoga mat and take some deep, soothing breaths. Boil the kettle and sip your favourite herbal tea. Cut up some fresh fruit and toast some waffles to make your kitchen smell divine.
Personalise your routine to you and do what makes you feel motivated to get out of bed – whether that is eating your favourite breakfast or reading your latest book obsession. For students, a slow morning might provide the answer to the constant tiredness or lack of concentration. Health experts recommend building a slow morning routine so that you can combat these issues in a healthy way!
It will feel so fulfilling to know you have had a good morning before stepping into a lecture theatre and you’ll feel the benefits throughout the day. Start your day as you mean to go on!