Kayleigh Swart gives the rundown of how weather has gone from cute and cold to ridiculously freezing.
Cute autumn season is over, now it’s just cold. While I have tried to romanticism the season: drinking overpriced sugary coffees, wearing cute jumpers and watching Jane Austen adaptations, I can no longer pretend that it is improving my mood. The aesthetic of autumn has been overshadowed by the sheer cold of the weather. So, it is time to pack away the pumpkins and admit the reality of the situation.
Recently we have been graced with the presence of snow. Exeter hardly ever sees snow, being so close to the coast, it was one of my requirements when I was applying to unis. But somehow, against science, snow has made it to Exeter and it is awful. I almost died while trying to get up forum hill, it took me ten minutes to get from top to bottom. In this time, I saw three people fall over. Although it seems like the snow sports society have decided to use this weather as an unofficial chill hill 2.0. I almost got knocked over by a guy on skis.
The snow wouldn’t be as much of a problem is we lived in a normal house, but students housing aims to make the worst houses possible while still passing safety standards. Although now that I think about it, I have never seen a safety inspection certificate. That combined with the ever-rising energy prices, creates a pretty artic household. However, as a result of the snow we have decided to allow half an hour of heating time this week, almost triple what we normally have. We did have to eat rice and beans for a few days to afford it though. I can confirm the ‘I’m a celeb’ diet is not worth it.
I almost died while trying to get up forum hill, it took me ten minutes to get from top to bottom. In this time, I saw three people fall over.
Maybe all of this I could live with, convince myself that I am secretly Bridget Jones and Hugh Grant is just a moment away, if it was not also for the fact that it is deadline season. As a third-year deadlines are breathing down my back constantly, every time I finish a task three more take its place. I’ve had to move onto having red bull in my cereal instead of milk. It’s the only thing keeping me up during those 8:30 lectures. So, while I watched all my friends post their snowy Christmas market trips, I’ve been camped up in the library wishing I had done more work in the first half of term.
Luckily for me the end is in sight, the Christmas holidays are approaching and I’ll finally be free of all my coursework and be able to take long hot showers at home. Although all this will start up again in January. So, maybe not that free after all.