University proposes new West Park accommodation project

Exeter City Council could approve a new 1,000 bed student ‘village’ on Streatham Campus in the coming months after plans have been submitted.
The development would be sited around the Clydesdale, Nash, and Birks student accommodations off Stocker Road which could provide around 1,250 new student bedrooms. The project, titled West Park, saw new details released after the original plans were overwhelmingly approved by the council’s planning committee in 2021.
West Park would convert all existing flats in the Birks Grange Village from catered to self-catered flats, with the creation of new kitchens and the refurbishment of outdated bedrooms and facilities.
The project would be the second stage of the Streatham Campus Student Residential Strategy after the full opening of East Park accommodation in September 2021. Plans would be completed by demolishing older buildings based in the Clydesdale and Birks area and would be replaced by taller buildings ranging from three to eight storeys with the ground floor including student facilities such as shops and cafes.
In a statement accompanying the application, the University said: “The existing accommodation buildings in the Clydesdale area are outdated and do not meet the standards that students expect. Developing the existing accommodation buildings allows the University to make the best use of the space and ensure we are efficient in terms of energy use.
“The proposed scheme fully complies with the outline consent and represents an important and high-quality development which will enhance the student accommodation offered by the University.”