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From Screen to Reality: how to organise the perfect Movie Night with your Flatmates

Online Screen Editor, Dumebi Jibunoh, discusses how to create the perfect movie night with flatmates.
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(Antonio Cansino via Pixabay)

Let’s be real: student life is a juggling act. Between coursework, social commitments, and trying to stay on top of everything, it’s easy to forget to relax. But if you’ve got a solid group of flatmates, organising a movie night is a great way to kick back and enjoy a bit of downtime together. Here’s how to take a standard “Netflix night” and turn it into a movie marathon that your flatmates will talk about.

First things first, you need to pick the film—arguably the hardest part. With everyone’s different tastes (the rom-com lover, the horror fanatic, and the inevitable Marvel die-hard), it’s best to let democracy take the lead. Make a list of options from different genres and let everyone vote. Still can’t decide. Go for a double feature. Start with something light like ‘Shrek’ or ‘Mean Girls’ and follow it up with ‘Inception’ or ‘Get Out’ to keep things interesting.

Organising a movie night is a great way to kick back and enjoy a bit of downtime together. 

Once the movie’s locked in, it’s time to set the scene. Gather all the blankets, cushions, and beanbags you can find and turn the common room into a full-on nest. Dim the lights and add some fairy lights for that cozy cinema vibe. It’s all about creating an atmosphere where everyone can fully relax—especially if you’ve had a long day on campus.

Now for the snacks. Popcorn is a given, but don’t stop there. Load up with crisps, nachos, pizza, and chocolate. If you’re feeling creative, set up a popcorn station with toppings like melted chocolate or caramel. Keep the drinks simple with fizzy classics or, if you’re feeling adventurous, mix up some DIY mocktails or flat-themed cocktails. On a budget? No problem, you can make it work.

If you want to step things up a bit, make it a themed night. Watching ‘Harry Potter’? Assign everyone a Hogwarts house. Disney marathon? Time to embrace the PJs. You could even throw in a trivia quiz before the movie to add some extra fun (and maybe decide who gets the last slice of pizza).

When the credits roll, don’t call it a night just yet. Have a quick chat about the movie—debating plot twists or discussing the wildest moments. It’s a great way to keep the energy going and make sure everyone’s keen for the next movie night.

With a good film, good vibes, and the right snacks, you’re all set to turn an ordinary evening into something a bit more memorable.

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