Jamie Speka, Editor-in-Chief, follows the murder trial of Brian Jewell and uncovers an alarming number of young homeless people facing the violent conditions of homelessness in Exeter. She asks: when will such a tragedy strike again?
Jamie Speka, Editor-in-Chief, follows the murder trial of Brian Jewell and uncovers an alarming number of young homeless people facing the violent conditions of homelessness in Exeter. She asks: when will such a tragedy strike again?
A homeless man was given no prior warning when Exeter City Council removed his tent and other belongings while he was elsewhere.
Exeter gets major funding boost to tackle homelessness The UK Government has announced that Exeter City…
Jamie Speka, Editor-in-Chief, follows the murder trial of Brian Jewell and uncovers an alarming number of young homeless people facing the violent conditions of homelessness in Exeter. She asks: when will such a tragedy strike again?
A homeless man was given no prior warning when Exeter City Council removed his tent and other belongings while he was elsewhere.
Exeter gets major funding boost to tackle homelessness The UK Government has announced that Exeter City…
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