Exeter, Devon UK • Sep 8, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII
Home Tags Posts tagged with "hard rock"

hard rock

  • MusicMusic Interviews

    In conversation with: Yur Mum

    by Jake Avery
    by Jake Avery 5 mins read

    Jake Avery interviews Brazilian hard-rockers Anelise Kunz and Fabio Couto before their Exeter Cavern gig to discuss the importance of heritage and history in music, their influences, and the experimental flavours arriving further down the line in their next releases!

  • MusicMusic Interviews

    In conversation with: Yur Mum

    by Jake Avery
    by Jake Avery 5 mins read

    Jake Avery interviews Brazilian hard-rockers Anelise Kunz and Fabio Couto before their Exeter Cavern gig to discuss the importance of heritage and history in music, their influences, and the experimental flavours arriving further down the line in their next releases!


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