Released on Monday 13 November, the Guild Education Survey – which professes to “put the student voice in the centre of the conversation” – is the latest way for students to give feedback directly to the Guild and impact future decisions and initiatives.
The Survey takes approximately three minutes to complete, and each student who completes the form is guaranteed a reward voucher from the likes of Hubbox, On the Waterfront, and Subway, as well as being entered into a prize draw featuring Amazon vouchers, stash hoodies, and meals from Guild outlets.
Such a highly publicised and promoted survey should provide an excellent wealth of feedback for the Guild to work with. However, a quick look at the Survey’s terms and conditions – which are not linked via the Survey itself, instead requiring a specific search for the Survey’s information page on the Guild website – raises a few questions. Item seven states that “By completing the survey entrants agree that the Students’ Guild may publish their photo, name and course/previous course details on our website and social media channels”, which may come as a surprise given that participating in the Survey only requires one to enter a student ID number.
Whilst it is necessary to identify each unique survey participant, in the name of producing accurate and applicable data, entrants – who are not immediately made aware of these terms and conditions, and have to go considerably out of their way to find them – may not have expected the act of completing the Survey to enable the Guild to publicise their participation.
The Guild Education Survey is accessible via, and closes on Monday 3 December.