Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII
Home LifestyleFashion and Beauty Independent Fashion: Neon Rose

Independent Fashion: Neon Rose

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Founded in 2012, independent women’s fashion store Neon Rose places an emphasis on bold, statement pieces. The focus on bright colours and floral patterns means their pieces are not generally for people wanting to blend in, but the colours and patterns are so irresistible that, regardless of my preference for blending in, I continue to return to browse the site as new season collections are added. Their social media accounts encourage customers to show off their pieces: their Instagram account regularly posts photos of customers wearing items purchased from the shop. Seen a print you love in an item that you would just never wear on their social media? Look on their website – they often have multiple items in the same print, so you could find a shirt or dress in that gorgeous floral print. With drops happening in small bursts rather than an entire season’s collection at once, you never know when you might find your next purchase!

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