Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII

Editorial Team 2023-2024

by victoria
Year 2023-2024

Editorial Team

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Senior Editors

Online Editor-in-Chief

Though still relatively new to the wonderful world of journalism, Amelie is eager to go head first into the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief for Exeposé Online. Working alongside the very proficient Jamie Speka, she is looking to revitalise the Exeposé website, to promote wider readership, more alignment with print and greater accessibility. During her time as Online News Editor last year, Amelie was able to delve into investigative writing and the fast-paced nature of breaking news pieces, which she aims to extend this year, to ensure that Exeter’s students remain aware of all that occurs in and around the university. Amelie differs from her other Editors-in-Chief as she does not study English, but her third year as a Politics and Sociology student means that she is ready to address salient issues, and is particularly looking to investigate the university’s climate, curriculum and mental health approaches. With such an excellent committee this year, she also cannot wait to work with as much of the team as possible, to ensure that Exeposé continues to go from strength to strength! When she is not found in the library working on new Exeposé ventures or stressing over her degree, she will be trawling the many charity shops of Exeter, trying to romanticise life in a café or with friends in a pub. She might even try the X-Media netball team this year, despite her non-existent hand-eye coordination!

Online Editor-in-Chief

On her third year of an English and Communications degree, Jamie is excited to take on the role of Online Editor-in-Chief with Amelie. She first got into journalism through freelancing for her hometown newspaper in California upon her high school graduation. From there on, she found a love of writing as a way to promote change. Jamie has won awards in student journalism from The Press Democrat, her County Mock Trial Court Reporting Competition, and the Exeposé itself! As last year’s Online Comment Editor, she has learned the behind-the-scenes of quick article inputting and editing which she is proud to carry into this year. As an American, Jamie has written articles focusing on Planned Parenthood, the housing crisis, and the Supreme Court in addition to reporting on UK politics and Exeter University. This year she wants to do more investigative reporting to continue advocating for better mental health and housing support. She also plans on redesigning the website to make it more accessible for all students. When she’s not working on the Exeposé, she is chatting with friends in the pub, playing the guitar badly, the piano alright, and the drums occasionally. She hopes to learn to bike on the other side of the road (English roads are confusing) and spend way too much time with her flatmates whom she adores.

Print Editor-in-Chief

Anabel is a third-year English student who has consistently written for Exeposé since starting at Exeter. After spending the last year as a Print Comment Editor, she cannot wait to help lead the print team with Livvy. As a Senior Editor, Anabel looks forward to working with all sections of the paper, especially becoming more involved with the News Team to help lead and cover investigations. This year, she achieved the Exeposé rainbow (in writing for all sections) and looks forward to continuing to develop her journalistic skills. When she is not a walking Exeposé ad, Anabel can typically be found balancing her time between going for overpriced coffees, spending far too much time at TP, and of course- her actual degree. Whether she is walking, studying, or writing Anabel is pretty much surgically attached to her headphones as she listens to an interesting mix of Arctic Monkeys, music her parents play in the car, and the office favourite- Taylor Swift. She also enjoys rewatching her favourite sitcoms and going to The Ram with X-Media (she means playing netball) at weekends. With such a fantastic committee elected, she has no doubt this will be another successful year and looks forward to seeing what is in store for her final year at Exeposé (tries not to cry already when realising this).

Print Editor-in-Chief

Livvy is overjoyed to be a part of the Exeposé senior team as Print Editor-in-Chief. Two years of Exeposé and three roles later, Livvy can’t wait to work alongside Anabel in leading the print team. She is in her third year at Exeter studying English and is delighted to take on the new challenges and opportunities that the role will entail. Uncovering and investigating possible news projects would be the highlight of her year. Since being on the Exeposé team since September 2021, Livvy has completed the Exeposé rainbow having written for every section of the paper and has written nearly 100 articles. When she is not busy worrying about how much reading she has to do for her course or frantically editing pages of the newspaper in the Exeposé office (where she practically lives at this rate), Livvy can usually be found on the downstairs TP dancefloor begging the dj to play her favourite Taylor Swift songs. She can also be found wearing her signature beaten up leather jacket that she never takes off with an overpriced coffee in hand wandering around campus in search of Napoleon the cat. Talk to Livvy about the Muppets, Wallace and Gromit, Star Wars, Taylor Swift, 90s and early 2000s rom-coms, Gilmore Girls or Buffy the Vampire Slayer and she’ll instantly become best friends with you. Wanting to be either the next Rory Gilmore or Bridget Jones (or a weird mesh of both characters), Livvy can’t wait to work with such an amazing committee this year and is thrilled to accentuate her journalism skills working on the UK’s best student publication.

Online Deputy Editor

A year after starting as Editor for the often-overlooked Print Tech section, Ewan is thrilled to be the Online Deputy Editor for the 2023/24 academic year alongside Megan Haynes. As part of the growing minority of those not reading English in the Exeposé senior team Ewan is entering his third year of a politics degree. One of his proudest achievements during his time in Exeter has been having his submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee published which recommended much needed institutional reform of the Good Friday Agreement; Ewan hopes to be able to continue these longer form investigative pieces for the Exeposé this year. As last year’s Print Tech Editor, it may have been slightly noticeable that Ewan put a political tilt on articles focusing on the government response to developments in AI and digital identification. He admits that he may not be able to resist sharing his political intrigue in articles to come and apologises in advance for any lengthiness – a small price to pay for thought-provoking insights. When not religiously studying he is partial to a trip to the pub with his mates, though he says that his bank account isn’t as keen.

Online Deputy Editor

Megan is excited to fulfil her role of Online Deputy Editor in the Exeposé senior team this year as she begins her third year at Exeter University. After her role as Online News Editor last year, Megan has done her fair share of news investigations, and is now looking forward to being able to contribute to a wider variety of sections; everything from features to lifestyle. Alongside her co-deputy editor Ewan Edwards, Megan is hoping that they can continue to build a Exeposé community, full of engaged writers and editors!

When she’s not editing for Exeposé or doing her geography degree (can you believe she hasn’t even had to colour in a single map yet?), Megan is often busy on walks with the Out of Doors society or chilling with her housemates.

Megan is looking forward to seeing where Exeposé goes this year, building on its previous success, and she knows she’ll have a fantastic time working alongside this year’s committee and wonderful Exeposé community!

Print Deputy Editor

Three years in to his history degree (where did all that time go?), Harry is continuing to keep himself busy, studying French alongside his degree as well as becoming Exeposé’s Deputy Editor! He has been a regular contributor to the newspaper since First Year, and truly became a part of the Exeposé family in late 2022. Since then, Harry has written for every section, although Music will always have his heart, as his first editorial role. In the brief time he is not either studying or in the Exeposé office, Harry will normally be listening to music (almost always Coldplay or The Killers), sulking about Ferrari and the most recent Formula 1 race, or scrolling through Twitter – or sometimes all three simultaneously! Arguably as a consequence of the latter, Harry’s opinions on almost anything are strong, but he also understands the value of good, balanced journalism in holding those in power to account. Although Exeposé probably won’t be taking down any scandal-hit Prime Ministers any time soon, Harry hopes his role as Deputy can contribute to the rich tapestry of student journalism that is the backbone of our campus!

Print Deputy Editor

After a stint as Print News editor, Charlie is thrilled to be elected to the heady heights of Deputy Editorship. Currently in his third year studying history, he is looking forward to writing about current affairs and investigating the news stories which matter to students in Exeter and the country, rather than investigating the effects of tax policy in the Byzantine Empire in the fourteenth century. When not working hard on the next big scoop, Charlie can be found boring his friends to death about the most inane political trivia, being slowly indoctrinated into the surprisingly deep lore of Taylor Swift, and playing his oboe at every possible opportunity.

Print Deputy Editor

With caffeine (organic fairtrade coffee subscription he’ll have you know) coursing through his veins, a volume of Marx in the pocket of his *vintage* trenchcoat, and some Gill Scott-Heron blasting through his earbuds, Joshua mopes around campus as if he’s one of those insufferable characters in Godard’s La Chinoise… can you believe he studies philosophy? Pretentious references aside, he’s actually a really enthusiastic guy who loves to talk and write about anything, especially when it concerns investigating all the Exetah based scandals and revealing people’s secrets, so this deputy editor role is a dream! Having written for most sections in the paper from the moment he set foot in god’s own country (Devon, duh, sorry Yorkshire), and editing the Arts+ Lit section last year, he hopes to continue on his Exeposé journey alongside his other fabulous editors with a passion for student journalism which will hopefully inspire, disrupt, and make noise in Exeter, and beyond.


Social Media Executive

In her second year of her law degree, Charlotte is excited to take on the role of social media exec. Having only discovered an and joined Exeposé over half way into her first year, Charlotte is still new to the world of journalism but is already passionate about it! Charlotte is excited about the opportunity to strengthen Exeposé’s social media presence, to hopefully encourage more students to start writing for the newspaper and for students to discover an unknown interest for journalism like she did. When not overthinking Exeposé next post, Charlotte can be located with her emotional support water bottle in hand talking excessively when she should really be working. Alternatively, she’s probably debating signing up for a physical challenge of some sorts that she’ll complain about but actually really enjoy…

Willow Cracknell

Finance Executive

Having been involved in writing for Exeposé for a year, Willow is really excited to become part of committee in her third year doing English and Maths. She knows it’s a very odd combination, but her dream job is to be the next Rachel Riley in one of her favourite shows, Countdown! She’s hoping to get one step closer to combining words and numbers in her role as Finance Executive. In her free time, she loves going to the beach, Spitchwick, TP and she’s a bit of a foodie! She enjoys watching films with her favourite being When Harry Met Sally, listening to Prince and Bowie and going for walks with Bowie (her dog). Often finding herself endlessly scrolling through TikTok looking at clothes she can’t afford, she fulfils this addiction by going charity shopping and knitting – though her scarf may end up with many holes. She’s overjoyed to be part of the Exeposé team 2023-24 and cannot wait to put her Maths to the test in a society full of English students!

News Team

Online News Editor

Anna is thrilled to take on the role of Online News Editor alongside Shagnick. She hopes to add a sense of dynamism to Exposé’s News section and broaden the paper’s readership. With experience writing for a regional paper, Anna understands that news can be a tricky section. Anna wants to cater to Exeter’s various viewpoints while producing objective articles. She looks forward to co-creating thought provoking and wide-ranging content calls. Drawn to the investigative side of journalism, she hopes to make Exeposé live up to its name. She is willing to put herself in the front line, having survived a clawed attack from the campus cat, floated adrift on a canoe in the Quay, and braved the Cavern queue countless times. Anna has spent her first two years at uni pursuing a range of interests alongside her English degree. She has kept up running, designed costumes for student plays, and dabbled in uni chess. She is keen to bring all the many skills she learned from E team (yes, E team) school netball to the X-Media tournaments. Although Anna is also joining the committee for the uni mag, Razz, she promises to stay loyal to the paper 😉

Online News Editor

Shagnick, who also goes by Nick, is excited beyond measure to be taking up this post alongside Anna this year. A postgraduate student of History in love with academia and research, he has an immense enthusiasm for journalism. He has been a part of Exeposé for about a year now, having written several articles across multiple sections and gained a lot of valuable experience along the way. He and Anna hope to give their best to this section, involving things like encouraging more investigative pieces, and a greater number of articles in their content calls. Also, unlike Anna, he never joined RAZZ so he is completely loyal to Exepose and will keep a watchful eye on her for us.

Committed to turning Exepose into the vulture press, he plans to overthrow all the senior editors within a year in a revolution not unlike that of 1798, so that we can have the one true Editor-in-Chief: Napoleon. Yes, the celebrity cat. Nick is quite fond of him.

Print News Editor

Rosie is a second-year BA Theology and Religion student who is excited to join the committee as Print News Editor; She particularly enjoys following news stories relating to religion, human rights movements, and community updates but is looking forward to producing a plethora of engaging content calls across all news topics. Excited about what the next few months may bring, she is keeping her fingers crossed for some general election coverage or maybe some exciting events across the university – a 2023/24 bingo card is in the making. She occasionally appears on XpressionFM’s news shows and readily embeds her interests in religion and historical culture into every show – she insists it’s more relevant than you may think! Out of office hours, Rosie is a true multitasker, often found having a couple of drinks in Impy while reading the latest articles on ancient history, archaeology, and culture. An avid ‘bookstagrammer’ and advocate for libraries, she is prepared with book recommendations aplenty and is always keen to have a book swap. After spending much of her first year getting stuck into all things Exeposé, Rosie is determined to reach the ‘rainbow road’ and maintain her regular attendance at socials.

Print News Editor

Oliver joined Exeposé to scratch his pedant’s itch in proofing sessions and write the occasional article. So it’s with mild surprise that, at the beginning of his third and final year, he takes on a third committee position – print News, staying at the serious end of the paper after stints as print Features editor and print deputy editor. He’s also planning to embarrass himself by joining the Xmedia netball team. Beyond Exeposé, he is a landscape photographer who rarely goes into the landscape, a writer who prefers thinking about writing to actually doing any, and a cricket fan who doesn’t play cricket. Apparently, he also studies Politics.

Comment Team

Online Comment Editor

A third year history student, Amy is very excited to make the transition from print to online as comment editor this year! She is passionate about politics and has frequently been described as overly opinionated- so comment should be the perfect match! She is particularly excited to encourage debate about issues which affect students. This year she is studying abroad in Amsterdam, so is looking forward to bringing an international perspective to the comment section and writing about her experiences. Aside from this she hopes to produce comment calls focusing on everything from environmental sustainability to LGBTQ+ rights, and remains ever committed to sneaking as many Taylor Swift references into Exeposé articles as she can. When not writing, Amy can be found freezing in the cavern queue, finding excuses not to go running and drowning in essays (she is a history student after all).

Online Comment Editor

Due to start their third and final year in September, Charlie is an English student who you are likely to catch writing and editing for the Exeposé to procrastinate their novel; The first draft is always the hardest! Hailing from Yorkshire, they prefer coffee and bubble tea to a traditional cuppa. You can likely find them outside Tealith after a shopping spree or inside relaxing with a movie and some snacks. An avid writer and film buff, Charlie first wrote for their local chronicle at age thirteen and they plan to continue with the Exeposé! Charlie first discovered the Exeposé early in September after watching Gilmore Girls and being inspired by Rory and Paris running the Yale Daily News with military-like precision. They are very excited to assume the position of one of the Online Comment editors, previously being the Online Tech Editor. As a non-binary student, Charlie is very interested in social and climate justice and positively impacting students’ well-being and overall University experience. Obsessed with the 2-pound meal deal movement and creating the first article on it, they enjoy being involved in making the campus an affordable and safe place for everyone.

Print Comment Editor

Lisette is so excited to be part of the Exepose Editorial Team and looks forward to creating and publishing a range of articles for the Print Comment section. She has been writing for a range of sections since her Fresher’s Week but took a particular liking to the Comment section and its ability to debate and interpret different areas of both life in and out of university. It is important to Lisette that everyone’s voices are heard, and the Print Comment section enables all writers to address their opinions and experiences regarding certain topics. Whether it be regarding concerns or oppressive representations in society to worries about the Student Guild itself, Lisette is determined for all voices to be given a platform. As a second year English and Film student, Lisette can typically be found analysing a book or movie for her degree in Devonshire House, rewatching New Girl for the 100th time or having a cheeky pint at The Imp. She hopes that the content of the Comment section will continue to cover an abundance of topics and keep engaging with new writers to foster unique interpretations and self-expression.

Charlotte Zeyssolff

Print Comment Editor

Having only begun writing articles for Exeposé last year, Charlotte is delighted to be joining the Exeposé committee this year as Print Comment Editor. As a third year history student, she is used to frequent debate and is eager to bring her passionate post-night out rants about the socio-political failings of her home-countries, the UK and France, to a more formalised (and sober) space. When she is not hibernating in the library, excessively reading for her assignments and taking endless coffee breaks convincing herself she deserves yet another overpriced oat flat white, Charlotte can be found gallivanting up and down Sidwell street, bouncing from charity shops to Waterstones to find the latest releases, hot off the press. She is looking forward to combining her love of writing with astute and considered debate to prompt at times uncomfortable conversations through the pages of Exeposé’s Comment section.

Features Team

Online Features Editor

Callum, a second-year History student from Southampton, is happy to be Online Features Editor for this year. He is looking forward to working with everyone to produce regular, interesting stories for the section, ranging from global politics to local issues. He has written numerous pieces for Exepose, from features on Taiwan and affirmative action to an interview with the Home Secretary. In his free time he can be found making friends in the Fever smoking area, rinsing his mates at the poker table or captaining the prestigious HistSoc XI. Outside regular content calls, he is always happy to get extra stories up on the site, and encourages anyone with story ideas to drop him a Facebook message or email him at cm1085@exeter.ac.uk.

Print Features Editor

Henry is now in his third year of studying English at Exeter and is the new Print Features Editor at Exeposé. Not one for the outdoors, it is much more likely that he is going to be spending his time reading, writing or watching something tucked away indoors – but if you get him talking about something he is passionate about, like politics, video games, or Plymouth Argyle FC, then you will be hard pressed to get him to stop. Still new at Exeposé, Henry’s mission is to keep the readers informed and the writers involved in keeping up with what is happening in and around the world.

Print Features Editor

I am in my third year studying History. After writing for Exepose over the summer of 2022, I joined Exepose’s editorial team as Features editor and have been in this position since. I have a passion to bringing key issues to light and conducting interviews with people from all walks of life. I like to have a strong focus on UK politics and international relations. I am passionate about helping people, from raising awareness about key issues in my articles to local campaigning. When not writing. I can be found jogging in Exeter’s countryside, watching House of Cards or back in London watching the mighty Fulham at Craven Cottage.

Science Team

Orla Watson

Online Science Editor

As a 3rd year Medical Science student at Exeter, Orla is new to the Exepose team and is looking forward to making science more interesting and engaging for everyone. Despite her dedication to letting everyone know she studies STEM, Orla is also involved with the Debating Society and enjoys weekend competitions and Monday debate workshops. On her days away from the library, she enjoys taking the train to South-West towns and villages to scavenge charity shops for second hand dresses to wear to the next society ball with an iced coffee in hand. Twice a year, she regresses back into her Minecraft phase and can be found searching for diamonds and exotic flowers to decorate her Minecraft house. She hopes to share her passion for scientific discovery with a wide audience this year, hopefully wider than her friends who are used to hearing about her cell cultures and statistics project after 3 blood orange gins at The Imperial.

Eloise Shewring

Print Science Editor

Going into the third year of her Maths and Biology degree, Eloise had enjoyed writing articles for Exepose throughout last year and, like other editors, has an aim to increase the readership around Health and Science News by maintaining relatable, helpful, and interesting content calls. She’s looking forward to joining Nets-Media as well, and will try not to be too embarrassing on the court! Outside of Exepose you’ll find her playing board games like Monopoly (she sounds fun), until she inevitably loses and kicks off. She’ll also probably be rewatching How I Met Your Mother or The Haunting of Hill House for the 50th time, going for runs, listening to her Spotify playlists for hours on end, watching football, or seeing just how many Vodka Red Bulls it’ll take to stop leaving TP early for a kebab.

Eloise is excited to get going with the Print Science team and is always open to hearing new ideas for articles!

Sport Team

Online Sports Editor

As an International Business and Spanish student entering his third year, Ceri will not be in Exeter as he will be working abroad in Spain. He has been offered a placement with Sevilla Football Club, dealing with the English language side of the social media and website, something he is extremely excited about. Seville is the hottest place in Spain. Being from Cymru (Wales), the Andalusian weather is not something Ceri is well-equipped for. He is a true lover of sports. Ceri represents the university at BUCS level for golf and, let’s be honest, if you like golf you will like just about any sport! So expect articles from a wide variety of sports this year. Other than sports, hobbies include playing catch, playing cards (including magic tricks), travelling, eating, language learning and throwing food in the air to catch it in your mouth. However, if you ever find yourself playing cards with Ceri, do not shuffle incorrectly and do not deal incorrectly as it may cause him to start crying, have a panic attack, have a heart attack, or all of the above. Ceri is a proud Welshman and speaks Welsh fluently. He is also very competitive. He claims that his patriotism will not impact his editing, but makes no promises for the Wales vs England game during the 6 nations. Ceri hopes that being Online Sport Editor and his placement with Sevilla FC will be the first steps towards a successful career in sports journalism.

Online Sports Editor

A third year Liberal Arts student with an unending passion for sport media. After countless Exeter City press box visits and over twenty-five commentaries for Xpression FM, as well as numerous articles for Exepose, Mikhail is looking to take his experience into the Online Sport Editor role, a position he undertakes alongside his Deputy Station Manager duties at Xpression. When not writing or editing an article, he can easily be found in the Guild area, in full EUAFC gear buying a post-match Comida wrap (probably his fifth one of the week). Overall, Mikhail’s love for sport can be easily seen. Offer him a game of table tennis, an intense gym session or even a morning jog down the river ex and yes would be the emphatic answer. In the role Mikhail is looking forward to working alongside his co-editor to ensure articles remain updated and relevant once uploaded to Exepose’s online section of the newspaper. He promises to keep any sort of bias from the equation, although this statement may be re-evaluated should Man United appear on the agenda. For the next ten months, he will strive to balance his time and dedicate himself to the new role, hoping that the inevitable coursework all nighters can take him through his final undergraduate year.

Print Sports Editor

A second-year student who is dovetailing this editorial position alongside a role as sport editor at XpressionFM, Joseph has written for Exeposé throughout his first year and is excited to show his passion for sport. A regular visitor to Sandy Park and St James’ Park, when Joseph isn’t writing a sports article or leading a match commentary, you’ll find him watching whatever sporting event that’s on! Joseph is looking to promote women’s sport over his time as editor and give more opportunities for female writers to write about the sports stories closest to them – spending most of his weekends in his first year covering our Exeter Chiefs and City Women’s teams, Joseph has seen first-hand the lack of media coverage for women’s sport. Outside of sports media, Joseph’s life wouldn’t be the same without cars and motorsport which he produces a podcast about – if you think he knows a lot about sport, then wait till you ask him about cars! In as much time as it takes to get from 0-62 miles per hour, you’ll quickly get stuck into a long and winding chat…
Screenshot (101)

Print Sports Editor

Oliver is studying English in his third and final year in Exeter. He is looking forward to crossing over into Print this year after spending last year as Online Sport Editor, in which his highlight was reporting on the Premier League of Darts in Exeter and interviewing previous world champ Micheal Van Gerwen! He also writes freelance for numerous online sports news outlets, with his particular area of interest being football. Away from Exeposé, he often travels back to London to watch his beloved Chelsea (even during last season’s shocker). In Exeter, he plays for EUAFC and also has a role on their committee.

Lifestyle Team

Online Lifestyle Editor

A third year English student, Zoe is excited to be a part of the Exepose editorial team. Although she has written for a range of different sections, lifestyle has always held a special place in her heart, and she can’t wait to make the section into the best it can be. Zoe is passionate about all things health and wellness; whether it’s podcasts, books, or videos, she has consumed more wisdom about living well than she has been able to actually apply to herself. She hopes to use the lifestyle section to promote authentic living, meaningful conversations, and a realistic look on physical and mental health. When she’s not busy planning content calls or getting through her course’s long reading list, she can be found cafe hopping with her friends, watching her favourite comfort tv shows, or browsing in Waterstones (despite the fact she already has enough books to read).

Online Lifestyle Editor

As an intrepid Archaeology and Anthropology student who is undertaking her year abroad in the beautiful city of Venice, Emily is excited to be writing for Exeposé with one hand whilst eating pizza with the other! She is looking forward to giving her own take on a wide array of engaging content that encompasses the various aspects of modern life. As both a British and French national (and also someone who has the travel bug!), she is keen to use Exeposé’s platform to explore the meaning of the ‘lifestyle’ topic in different cultural contexts.  When she is not sat in a coffee shop with a good book and her laptop, Emily enjoys arts and crafts, nights out starting at Impy and ending at TP, museum and gallery trips, as well as songwriting sessions at the piano! Emily hopes that, as an Online Lifestyle Editor, she can contribute to another successful year for Exeter’s number one newspaper.

Print Lifestyle Editor

As a third year English student, Lucy’s love for journalism flourished when writing articles for Exeposé during her second year, and she is delighted to become Print Lifestyle Editor this year. Lucy is interested in illuminating the voices of writers by creating article topics which centralise our experiences of being students in Exeter. She is passionate about continuing to make the lifestyle section a universal space where writers feel free to express their individuality when it comes to writing about their own lifestyles, as well as for readers to find guidance within her article ideas. When she is not busy annotating for Britain, Lucy loves to play tennis, enjoys brunching at Mango’s and buying too many books. She will also be found enjoying a matcha latte on campus whilst planning content calls which inspire students to openly discuss all things about weaving our way through life.

Print Lifestyle Editor

Being a second year Psychology student, Amberly is highly an inquisitive and opinionated individual, sometimes too opinionated, but something has to make up for her vertical challenges (the struggles of being a 5’1” individual). Her fiery personality, similar to her hair, has been displayed when writing articles concerning mental health, women’s rights, and sustainability over the past year. When she’s not on the hockey pitch of crying over her statistics lectures, she’ll be trying her hand as an editor. Amberly’s interests in everything lifestyle arose after a troubling time with her mental health, which also led to her passion for psychology too. She loves good coffee and wants to hug all of the animals rather than eating them (she promises she will not start every article with “as a vegetarian”). In addition to her general ability to waffle on about anything, Amberly plays for EULHC and is a sports masseuse for her clubmates on the high performance programme. Amberly is looking forward to reading everyone’s diverse opinions and crafting each article to represent individuality and passion for controversial topics.

Music Team

Print Music Editor

In his final year of studying English, Jake is seeking to continue bringing a wide array of music genres to the forefront of the Print Music section of Exeposé whilst expanding his own tastes in timbre, style and tonality. Being an avid metalhead at heart, the abrasive, dissonant and chaotic sounds of bands such as Meshuggah and Employed To Serve are his bread and butter, but he also loves the cool wash of bands such as Foals and Dire Straits whilst relaxing and making art. You’re most likely to find him sitting down by the Quayside reading horror fiction and sketching, or browsing the various exhibits in the RAMM.

Scarlett Cracknell

Print Music Editor

Scarlett is a third year English student who wouldn’t like to admit that her time in Exeter is nearing an end. Her parents have educated her well in terms of music, and her Dad’s affinity for collecting vinyl from mixing in the early 2000s is notable when considering the beginnings of her passion for this particular section. All you need is to take a glance at her many Spotify playlists to see that this has had a big influence on how varied her taste can be. In terms of her goals for her role as Print Music Editor with Jake, Scarlett is both invested in opening up more conversations surrounding where the music industry is directed in the age of Social Media, and also in expanding content covering live music events. In her free time, you will find Scarlett in TP (listening and dancing to music she wouldn’t readily admit to liking as much as she does) or in the library (struggling to get any work done because she talks for the nation when given a willing ear). So either of these two places are ideal if you need to find her to pitch an article, talk about an article you are writing or have a chat about anything music-related!

Screen Team

Online Screen Editor

Going into their second year of Film and TV studies, Jess hopes to keep adding to their ever-expanding knowledge of all things film. An action/adventure fan at heart, they’re always up for a trilogy re-watch (from Lord of the Rings to the Cornetto Trilogy), but classics like Jurassic Park or Jim Henson’s Labyrinth will also win them over. She also loves writing and making films, constantly coming up with ideas, or helping with other people’s! Whilst not bingeing The Muppets or grabbing a matcha lemonade, Jess is an avid music fan- listening to just about anything from Slipknot to Stevie Wonder, and just recently overcoming an intense Noah Kahan addiction. Always looking to explore new artists and often listening to entire albums in one sitting, they might otherwise be found in HMV or one of Exeter’s many charity shops trying to expand their ever-growing, debt-inducing record collection. As Online Screen Editor she’s so excited to work with all the brilliant writers at Exeter, and especially highlight international and short films.

Annabelle Law

Print Screen Editor

Belle is a third year English and Creative Writing student who started writing for Exeposé last year and joined the committee as Print Screen Editor. Belle has a love for both film and filmmaking, which is why she wanted to edit the screen section of the paper. Some of her favourite films include Tarantino’s Kill Bill and the Coen’s No Country For Old Men, to chick-flicks like 13 going on 30 and Clueless! She also loves to write, whether that be short stories or short films. Some of her interests include fashion, travelling and cooking! She especially loves pasta dishes and Italian restaurants, and will always order a Tiramisu if there’s one on the menu. Belle’s favourite place to travel to is Italy, she loves the coastline and it’s an amazing source of inspiration for her writing.

Madison Sohngen

Print Screen Editor

Madison is a third year English student who is looking forward to continuing in her role as Print Screen Editor! Madison has probably watched (and re-watched) every rom-com ever made, some notable mentions being When Harry Met Sally, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and She’s the Man. Madison’s favourite film of all time is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, although Tarantino films are also a guilty pleasure of hers. In those rare moments when Madison is spotted without a green venom in hand, she enjoys spending her time exploring Exeter’s selection of cute coffee shops, going to the gym or reading. Madison’s favourite recent reads are Bunny by Mona Awad and Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton. She also prides herself on her active Goodreads account, in which she obsessively reviews every book she has ever read and stalks her friends (and Jack Edwards’) activity for further book inspiration.

Arts & Lit Team

Online Arts & Lit Editor

Being a proud member, writer, editor and sesh monkey of Exeposé has been top of Gracie’s priority list since the very start. Last year, she was just days away from being prescribed strong pain medication for her back pain, caused solely by holding the entire weight of the Lifestyle section on her shoulders while working part time, playing netball four times a week and then squeezing in time for her degree. As probably the tallest member of the committee at nearly 6’2”, she is pretty well versed in making herself seen and heard, whether it be in the newspaper itself or during her tipsy speeches made at the X-Media ball. Exepose’s favourite tall queen loves books. There’s simply no denying that. Louisa May Alcott once said “She is too fond of books. It has turned her brain.” Legend has it, she was talking about Gracie Moore. Gracie is also very partial to a theatre trip as well as cute exhibition dates with her sister and has a very, very large crush on Frida Kahlo. So, remotely working from Madrid on her year abroad next year as the Arts and Literature editor will be perfect for broadening the horizons of the section while she indulges in her other passions: PG Tips tea, naps, paella and boys who wear rings.

Online Arts & Lit Editor

Violet is new to the Exeposé committee and greatly looking forward to the year ahead! Having graduated with a degree in English and Creative Writing, she will be undertaking the role of Online Arts & Literature Editor alongside a Masters in Publishing. With previous experience on the Debating Society committee as Social Secretary, and with a passion for proofreading and editing, Violet is excited to join the online team where she can make use of these. As well as being keen to maintain a high standard of journalism, she is interested in expanding engagement with Exeter-based arts to encourage students to partake in local experiences.

Maddie Conlan

Print Arts & Lit Editor

Maddie is a third-year English student who spends as much time as possible reading every book unrelated to her course. She has written for the Arts and Lits section previously and has always found a way to spin her articles to relate to fantasy, or her favourite author Brandon Sanderson. Maddie is incredibly excited to help co-edit print Arts and Lit this year and can’t wait to share her article ideas about new and exciting book controversies and theatre shows. When not stressing over essays, that she should have started weeks earlier, she can be found in Waterstone’s haunting the shelves, and the cafe, like a ghost with an addiction to the sweet, sweet scent of new books.

Print Arts & Lit Editor

Lauren is a second-year student, who is studying Liberal Arts and majoring in English Literature (surprise surprise) while also doing bits of German and Geography. She loved being part of Exeposé as admin exec last year and is very excited to edit the arts and lit section with Maddie this year, as she has a passion for books and theatre! The genres she reads most include fantasy and sci-fi, and young adult. She can usually be found with her head in a book, or with headphones in listening to what is probably an unhealthy amount of Taylor Swift and musical theatre. Her favourite destinations around Exeter include Waterstones (when she needs a new book), Costa (when she needs iced coffee) and Cheesy Tuesdays!

International Team

Online International Editor

Agata, who you might know from being the Print International Editor last year, is looking forward to switching to the position of the Online International Editor this year. She comes from Poland and is now spending a year abroad in Madrid, which gives her a deep understanding of what culture shock is and a fresh perspective on the stories covered in the International section. She enjoys exploring new places, photography and, of course, writing. Agata is always looking for ways to be challenged and experiences that help her meet new people. She has contributed to the Exeposé since the first year of university and enjoys writing articles for a wide range of topics. She is excited to have the opportunity to work on such a varied and important section of the newspaper and to help to define the Exeposé community as a space where everyone, from any part of the world, can feel at home.

Print International Editor

Josie, who will be entering her final year after a year abroad, has been writing for the Exeposé since November 2022. She will leave Exeter next year with a BA in Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and hopes that this position will help her gain experience in a potential career in International Journalism, using her languages. Additionally, to promote the use of French studies at university, she won an AUPHF+ grant and will be working with a local school to give presentations about French culture and help GCSE students with their language learning. From long night sessions in the library to cleaning the house, Josie is always listening to music and goes to concerts and festivals often, her favourite concerts this year have been the Arctic Monkeys and Blur at Wembley! Of course, she loves reading too, her favourite book being ‘A Clockwork Orange’ but she is laughing through ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ this summer amongst some other French books to satisfy her love for French literature!

Tech Team

Ewan Gregory

Print Tech Editor

Ewan, a MA History student, is excited to have joined Exepose’s editorial team as Print Tech editor for the new academic year. Having written for several outlets local to Exeter over the summer, Ewan is enthusiastic to start working with the other members of the team. He hopes to illustrate the diversity of the topics that can be touched on through the Tech sector. When he’s not being drowned in readings and coursework, Ewan can often be found at the Turk’s Head quiz or on the pitch for the HistSoc intramural football team.
Exeposé is the University of Exeter’s independent newspaper. Established in 1987.



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