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Home News Vegan outlet in Devonshire House cancelled

Vegan outlet in Devonshire House cancelled

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Image credit: How On Earth via Facebook

A plan by the Students’ Guild and vegan food retailer How on Earth to open a shop on campus has been cancelled. The proposed outlet, which would have taken the place of DH2 venue Italiano, was announced on social media by the retailer in late-July.

This publicity came before the deal itself had been finalised. By August, however, it had fallen through.

As reported to Exeposé by an anonymous staff member, the announcement caused considerable confusion to the then-current staff of Italiano, who were subsequently informed that the retailer would bring in its own personnel.

Adding to the confusion, pictures of the outlet released on social media had been photoshopped by How on Earth, replacing Italiano signage.

A cached preview of the post and photoshop, which have since been deleted

Speaking to Exeposé, How on Earth clarified the present situation:

“We had been progressing a potential partnership with the Students’ Guild, which we were naturally very excited about. Unfortunately, the deal did not work out this time and, for commercial reasons, we are not prepared to share the detail of the reason publicly.

“We wish the Guild well in the coming year and hope to explore new avenues to work with them even more closely in the future.”

the deal did not work out this time and, for commercial reasons, we are not prepared to share the detail of the reason publicly.

How On Earth

The Students’ Guild likewise noted that, while the possibility of a DH2 venue for How on Earth was explored, this fell through.

“We will continue to pursue a variety of opportunities in the future with exciting companies such as How on Earth as we strive to give students the best possible experience, as well as value and choice.”

Exeposé also questioned the Guild on the subject of the personnel rearrangements – and potentially fewer overall shifts – that may have resulted from the deal.

“The Guild ensured supporting students and providing working opportunities was at the centre of all discussions, but as the deal did not reach a conclusion this was not progressed so we are unable to comment on the issue.”

Moreover, both parties stressed the continued good terms of their working relationship, despite the collapse of the deal. The Guild Shop continues to stock How On Earth products.

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