Anti-mask QAnon protest in Exeter attended by 150

A rally against COVID-19 restrictions and child grooming led by QAnon believers took place at Cathedral Green on Saturday afternoon.
Anti-mask signs were prevalent, with a small marquee reading “masks are muzzles” and “restore freedom.” One man also held a placard which claimed they were “government lies” while others were seen in V for Vendetta masks.
The rally was arranged by Save Our Children Exeter, a group which claims there is a global elite pedophile ring run by satanists and is linked to the right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory.
Some attendees wore shirts with the QAnon logo, and a young child held a sign reading: “trace and track the pedophiles.”
The protestors also spoke out against the New World Order conspiracy theory, which claims that there is a secret totalitarian world government. The megaphone speaker led the chant: “You can stick your New World Order up your arse.”
They also chanted “We are the 99 per cent.”

Three of the ring leaders were identified and will be reported for legislation breaches.
Devon & Cornwall Police
A post on the group’s instagram reads: “Covid-19 has more of your attention than a global elite pedophile ring blows my mind!”
There were at least ten police officers present, with the crowd numbering approximately 150.
Anti-child trafficking stickers from the group were spotted in Exeter last month, with parents and children becoming anxious and upset as a result.
Exeter currently has the eighth-highest infection rate in the UK, with 390.4 cases per 100,000.
The University has extended its ban on students mixing households until 19 October.
A Devon and Cornwall police spokesperson said: “On Saturday 10 October, police attended a gathering of approximately 150 people who had met on the Cathedral Green, Exeter in protest against COVID legislation. The group refused to social distance and were planning on marching through the city centre. They were prevented from doing so.
“Three of the ring leaders were identified and will be reported for legislation breaches. Officers from the Exeter neighbourhood team will be doing follow up reassurance visits with the local community and businesses. Further enquiries will continue to identify further offenders.
“No wider disruption was caused.”