Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

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Home Lifestyle Staycation Summer

Staycation Summer

Olivia Richards explores how to make the most of another summer spent close to home
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Staycation Summer

People around a lit campfire in the evening
Image: Mike Erskine, Unsplash

Olivia Richards explores how to make the most of another summer spent close to home.

With the limited availability of countries on the green list, travel prospects for this summer are looking very low; however, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a summer of fun. Instead of sipping cocktails by the pool you may have to get a bit more creative to build your own personal paradise.


Getaways are one of my favourite parts of summer and they are still achievable even in the UK. A getaway can mean many things, whether it’s travelling to the countryside for a romantic weekend away or simply camping in your garden. Airbnb is a great site to use when looking to stay somewhere new, whether you’re looking for somewhere more affordable or want to splash out on a place with a hot tub. They even have a section called Unique Stays which contains cabins and other cool rentals. Although, if you can’t afford to book an Airbnb nearby, camping can be a lot of fun even if it is in your own backyard – you can even decorate the inside with fairy lights, pillows and blankets to make it cosy. Also, a bonus of camping in your garden is that you have the luxury of using your own shower whenever you want instead of campsite facilities. Staying somewhere different for the night or weekend no matter how far away is always a fun way to switch up this summer’s staycation.

Hot Girl Summer Walks

Hot girl summer walks or hikes, as I like to call them, are a great way to get in daily exercise and soak up whatever sun we are blessed with in the UK. Hot girl summer walks are all about becoming your best self no matter what gender you are; either go with friends or take the time to focus on yourself. No matter your area, whether you have access to the countryside or only the option of a local park, getting some fresh air is bound to do you some good. One must on a hot girl summer hike is water, as it’s important to stay hydrated. You could even bring a book to take a break once you’re halfway.

Woman walking in nature
Image: Axel Holen, Unsplash


Campfires are another fun activity to spice up your summer staycation. Gather around with friends to toast marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and share stories but be careful when setting up a fire. If you don’t have access to any logs you could use a instant barbecue to make your s’mores. Campfires are perfect for light summer evenings and is assured to be a great evening with friends.

Hot Tubbing Galore

Hiring a hot tub is a bit of a luxury but since lockdown, there has been a recent emergence in companies selling rentals that you could even just hire for the week, making it more affordable than buying your own. This is guaranteed to make you feel like you are actually abroad – you could even do fun cocktail nights in the hot tub to truly treat yourself to the holiday experience.

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