Festive ways to decorate your uni house

Daisy Finch gives us her tips for how to use shop bought and handmade decorations to brighten up your uni house this festive season.
As the nights draw in, what better way to add a bit of cheer to your uni home than some festive decorations? While deadlines are looming, a bit of retail therapy or crafting can provide a welcome break.
If you’re tight for time and want to brighten your house simply and cheaply then store-bought might be the answer. If you do opt for a small Christmas tree, plan ahead and make sure it has a future – it’s worth asking around at charities or churches to see if they could make use of it or even carry it on to your next accommodation to make sure it gets as much use as possible.
For decorations, have a look in charity shops, online independent stores or the Christmas market to spread the joy! Etsy and eBay are full of wonderful and unique decorations – for vintage finds, eBay is the perfect source for small decorations or investment pieces and Etsy provides baubles for every niche interest.
If you’re feeling in need of a distraction in the evening or something fun to do as a house, why not make your own decorations for a personal touch?
If you’re feeling in need of a distraction in the evening or something fun to do as a house, why not make your own decorations for a personal touch? Paper snowflakes are a classic feature for festive decorating – a simple garland of paper snowflakes, angels or bunting can add a touch of homeliness to most spaces or go to town and cover the kitchen for a DIY winter wonderland.
For a more ambitious project, wool crafts add texture and warmth – small bobble hats made by looping wool over rings from old toilet rolls would be perfect on a small tree or for a more involved project try some macrame snowflakes. Origami is another fun project that you can add to gradually and that will not take up too much time – paper stars and hessian bows could add a bit of Scandi glamour to any room or tree.
For those that love baking, gingerbread men or stars with stained glass windows made from boiled sweets will smell wonderful and be the perfect midnight snack.
However you decide to decorate, make sure you set aside the time to enjoy the festive season and find small ways to celebrate all the good things about the winter months!