A Fresher’s guide to University of Exeter jargon

Science Editor Daisy Scott provides a whistle-stop guide to popular University of Exeter jargon that all incoming Freshers should know.
Having been at Exeter for several years now, I finally understand the Exeter lingo, and I know how many of you (freshers) feel with the amount of jargon that bounces around! So I hope that this article can act as a dictionary of sorts for anything that you don’t understand – we’ve all been there!
Cardiac Hill
This is the steepest hill that you will encounter on Streatham Campus (and people think Forum Hill is bad enough) and everyone hates it! It is located between Birks grange and Nash Grove. If you have to walk up this hill, give yourself five extra minutes to allow yourself to recover as you will be a sweaty mess when you reach the top.
The Rock
There are two rocks: one is at the bottom of Forum Hill and the other is at the intersection between Streatham Drive and Prince of Wales Road. Both rocks feature the University’s name and crest, and traditionally students get a photo of themselves next to one of the rocks at some point during their time at University, whether it be during Freshers’ Week or at graduation.
The Lemmy
This is the shorthand term for the Lemon Grove. The Lemmy is the on-campus club that is finally making a comeback as a club (after being closed due to poor attendance last year). Every Fresher should go there at least once but heed our warning: it can sometimes be a dead night (not as great as some of the other clubs in town). Some societies also run events in the Lemmy. Be warned – the floor on a Sunday morning is so sticky that your feet will be glued to it!
The Ram
This is the on-campus bar and is known by most students for its legendary curly fries or rameoke (the Ram’s version of karaoke).
No, Exeter is not part of the 19th century French empire! Napoleon is the campus cat, most often found lounging in the sun on Forum Hill. He is always up for a cuddle, so don’t be afraid to approach him, as he’s just as friendly as he looks!

Devonshire House
Located on Streatham Campus between the Forum and the Queen’s Building, Devonshire House is home to the Students’ Guild! On the first floor (also known as DH1), you will find Comida, the Guild reception, Campus Cinema and a big open-plan study space. The second floor (also known as DH2) features more study spaces as well as the Media Suite, Exeposé‘s office!
This is a popular Facebook among students which is known to be full of everything from finding elusive TP tickets to cheap course textbooks. It will quickly become your favourite Facebook group during term time.
Stands for Biggest Name on Campus and refers to the most popular or infamous students around campus.
This refers to clothing and other items university societies sell. These range from quarter zips to tote bags and even puffer jackets – many will have the society’s name and the University crest on them.
The Impy
The biggest and best spoons in Exeter (as well as being the oldest in the country).
Timepiece (also known as TP)
Bottom Bottom – The floor of the club that you don’t have to pay to get to. The best bit about this part is the eating area.
Middle – The club’s biggest floor which has paid entry. There can be a mixed selection of music from dance music to the newest chart toppers.
Top Top – The smallest section of the club but the one that undoubtedly has the best selection of music, even though it can get a little cramped.
Stands for “empty glass” and can be heard at almost any sports social along with the bumping of glasses on foreheads.