Mistakes every Fresher makes and how to avoid them

Lifestyle Editor Gracie Moore discusses mistakes students often make in their first year and how incoming Freshers can avoid replicating them.
University is like nothing you have ever experienced before. The jump from school, living independently and forming new social circles can be extremely daunting. It is common in these cases to fall into bad habits or let your naivete get the better of you. But we don’t blame you! We have all been there, making silly mistakes or regretting parts of first year. Fortunately, many of these mistakes can be mitigated and below you will find a non-exhaustive list of ways in which you can make your first year run smoothly.
Bringing items you don’t need
This is potentially the most common mistake to make. As much as you may be studying in a city hundreds of miles from home, you have not been completely uprooted. So don’t bring your best heels with you, ladies. If you’re unsure whether you need to bring an item, think about scenarios in which you would need it. Are you using it less than once a month? Leave it at home.
Thinking you must be friends with the first people you meet
The biggest concern for every Fresher: Will I make friends? The answer is yes! But you shouldn’t force being friends with your flatmates or the first person you meet at a social, for example, simply because you feel like you have no one else to hang out with. The ugly truth is that not everyone at University will be nice to you and even if it takes you until Christmas to make your best friends, this is preferable to settling for ‘friends’ who are not right for you. Take your time! Friendly people attract other friendly people.
Never ringing home
If you have moved to Exeter from elsewhere in the country, chances are your parents or guardians drove you there and then helped you move everything in. Also, it is guaranteed that they will miss you while you’re gone so give them a call! Update them on how University is going and what you have been up to, I promise they want to know. Also, if you experience homesickness, a phone call can be a nice time to reset while you’re talking to people you love.
Forcing yourself to become part of the hook-up culture
Meeting new people at University from all walks of life means that hook-up culture is widespread. However, while most people choose to involve themselves in this (which is perfectly normal!), many would rather not be a part of it. You may find at University that you are in a different chapter of your life compared to others so this means you shouldn’t rush sex or relationships if you feel like you’re not ready. Above all, University is about receiving a world-class education while making lots of friends along the way. The rest will come when it’s meant to because rushing into things can cause big regret.