Christmas festivities in Exeter

Caitlin Nagle offers some fun winter activities to help students de-stress and make the most of the festive season.
Following weeks of lectures, seminars and summatives, Christmas is finally approaching. The festivity of Winter Wonderland and The Cathedral Christmas Market is sure to get us all into the season. With upcoming assignments and essays, it is important to still take time to enjoy the festive period and make time to do things you’ll enjoy. Exeter is a magical city to be in at Christmas time, and there are plenty student-friendly things to do, besides slaving over that essay for far too long.
Three festivities to immerse yourself in the jolly season…
The Exeter Cathedral Christmas market
It will make a special day out, or evening, to remember. With free entry, the market makes a wonderful place for students to socialise and enjoy the festive season. You and your course mates could try out some global street food, pick up some handmade gifts for your family at home, or just go for a few drinks in the marquee. The mulled wine was a personal favourite last year. It is also Devon’s biggest Christmas market, so it is definitely worth the visit.
Exeter’s Winter Wonderland
Like the Cathedral Market, entry to Winter Wonderland is free – perfect for us students. The only thing you would have to pay for is the locally sourced refreshments, or the ice-skating rink, if you fancy a go. The atmosphere last year was wonderful, and the ice skating was great fun. If you have never ice-skated before, now could be the time too. The ice rink will also have the most perfect winter-vibes for Instagram, if you don’t slip over mid shot that is.
Decorating a tree in your halls or home
You could splurge out on a Christmas tree – be a bit boujee and visit one of the Christmas tree farms in Exeter. Or, if you want to keep to your student budget (which I know most of us are probably trying to do right now) you could get a bit creative with some DIY Christmas tree projects. Why not get a triangle shaped corkboard, and get some photos printed of you and your flat mates to decorate your “tree” with? This can also make your place feel more homely at this time of year, when most of us are ready to get on the train back home. If you don’t have the cash to splash on a tree either, there is also the TikTok traffic cone Christmas tree, which I’m sure most of you have seen all over your For You Page already.
Keeping a student budget in mind too, you can truly get into the festive spirit without breaking the bank here. Make the most of the magical Christmas atmosphere in Exeter this year – it is a great time to make memories with your friends, flat and house mates.