When you’re at your split end: hair care on a budget

Gracie Moore talks over her personal hair care routine, dropping some useful tips for hair care on a budget.
Hair care can often be neglected during our daily routines as we instead focus our attention on our skincare and then what to wear. For this reason, many people suffer with dry hair or split ends, often which can only be properly fixed at a hair salon, sometimes setting us back £50 or more at a time! However, all is not lost as there are many tips and tricks that can be added to one’s daily routine in order to keep those locks lovely and glossy!
Personally, I only wash my hair three times a week so the natural oils can keep my hair nicely hydrated for the rest of the time. Also, I have never and will never dye my hair as I dread to think what the harsh chemicals could do to my roots and scalp. On top of this, I choose not to dry my hair with heat but rather towel dry it until it isn’t dripping wet and then let it dry naturally.
During the washing of my hair, I opt for TREsemmé Rich Moisture shampoo and conditioner which smells divine and keeps it clean and hydrated for around two or three days. This also only costs £3 for a big bottle in places such as Tesco or Boots! Also, when conditioning, I use a wide tooth comb to brush the product through as this pulls out any dead hair and then I leave it to soak in for five to eight minutes before washing it out with super cold water. The cold water helps seal in the moisture from the conditioner so the colder you can stomach, the better!
The cold water helps seal in the moisture from the conditioner so the colder you can stomach, the better!
Finally, as much as it can look messy, I never brush my hair when it’s wet as this is when your hair is at its most vulnerable to breakage. Instead, I let it look ratty until it starts drying and then gently use a bamboo brush to get any knots out.
As a side tip, friction from pillows can cause breakage and difficult tangles so I tend to tie my hair up to sleep, either in a bun or, if I want it to be slightly wavy the next day, I plait it before bed. If you want to be extra boujee for this step, you might decide to sleep with your hair in a silk bonnet or curlers.
I don’t style my hair in any particular way but if you like experimenting with different hairstyles, make sure you are using products that are kind to your hair as well as washing it thoroughly after using things like hairspray.
It can be tricky to take good care of your hair but the important thing to remember is that, just like skin, everyone reacts differently and hair care is often a trial and error scenario before you find what works for you.