Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

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Home Arts & Lit Exeter’s best bookshop: Blackwell’s

Exeter’s best bookshop: Blackwell’s

Lauren Walsh, Print Arts and Lit editor, explains why Blackwell's is undoubtedly the best bookshop in Exeter.
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Image: hslo, Wikimedia Commons

On campus, up Forum Hill, tucked away opposite the Sanctuary is our very own campus bookshop, Blackwell’s.  

In my opinion, the campus Blackwell’s is an underrated bookshop in Exeter: perhaps this is because it isn’t as big as a more stereotypical bookshop, like the Waterstones in town, or even the original Blackwell’s in Oxford, but it should not be overlooked, and for good reason. 

Not only does Blackwell’s stock book bundles for many modules (for English Literature, Classics and more), something which is incredibly convenient for us English students as it means we don’t have to go searching for what feels like hundreds of books across every corner of any ordinary bookshop, it also has popular books and new releases, perfect for bookworms who want to pick up the new book by their favourite author, as well as anyone who fancies buying a book to dip in and out of as a brief respite from their course. Also useful for those with long reading lists, there is a 15% student discount until the 7th of October, saving us penniless students a not insignificant amount of money, so make sure to visit as soon as possible to get the best value for your money. 

[Blackwell’s] has popular books and new releases, perfect for bookworms who want to pick up the new book by their favourite author

Blackwell’s prime location makes it very convenient if you’re already on campus and don’t have the spare time to go to town, or perhaps just fancy a short browse over lunch time, and it is especially convenient for those who live on campus! 

In short, the campus Blackwell’s is small but sweet, with lovely staff and a great location, so be sure to make the most of it! 

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