There is an age-old debate as the nights grow longer and days grow colder, a debate on which cult-classic film franchise is the best autumn and winter watch. For most people, this is a toss-up between the juggernauts of Harry Potter and Twilight, but for some of us, the perfect cosy night is spent watching The Lord of the Rings film trilogy directed by Peter Jackson. The films were initially screened in the winter season of the early 2000s, and ever since have been set up as the perfect films to watch to kill time in the endless dark.
The Lord of the Rings films, extended edition- of course, are the prime way to spend a rainy Sunday, or Saturday, with friends. With a staggering runtime of 683 minutes, or just over eleven and a half hours, there is no reason to leave the house if you have the joy of watching the world of Middle Earth unfold before you. Especially when you’re desperate to escape the bleakness of a cold British winter, so snuggle up with a warm drink and cuddly blanket to enjoy these cinematic masterpieces.
Especially when you’re desperate to escape the bleakness of a cold British winter, so snuggle up with a warm drink and cuddly blanket to enjoy these cinematic masterpieces.
If you are one of the sparse few who haven’t had the luxury of watching The Lord of the Rings films here are a few of the reasons why you should start the trilogy this winter. The first film, The Fellowship of the Ring, is an amazing escape into a found-family dynamic that allows you to slowly ease your way into the complex magic system that Tolkien created in his best-selling novels. You’ll instantly fall in love with this ragtag cast of heroes, who end up tasked with the job of returning the ‘one ring’ back into the fires of Mordor.
The stunning score, composed by Howard Shore, and the gorgeous sweeping scenery of New Zealand allow you to be transported to a magical realm that you’ll never want to leave. There is nothing better than snuggling down to get captivated by the story of the ‘one ring to rule them all…’