Christmas time is fast approaching, deadlines are almost here and soon we’re going to be free from university for a few weeks. With all this free time, it is a perfect time to start reading again for pleasure instead of essay after essay. What better way to get back into reading than starting with some holiday reads. So instead of the twelve days of Christmas, I’m here to present the twelve books for Christmas to get you into the festive spirit.
My first few recommendations are classics that you might have already read before, but are always great to go back to. First off, a book that everyone’s heard of: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It’s a classic for a reason and does a great job at reminding you what Christmas is really about. Also, a great excuse to watch The Muppets version after you’ve read the book! Next up is The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S Lewis. You’ve probably seen the film before but have you read the book! While not explicitly about Christmas, this book has the perfect winter setting and creates such a cosy mood. The last book in the section is one that I can almost guarantee you’ve read before, or at least seen the film – Harry Potter. Specifically, The Philosopher’s Stone. Something about this book just screams Christmas to me, maybe it’s the magical elements or just the fact the movie reruns are on every year. Either way this book is what I always start with to get into the Christmas spirit.
When researching Christmas reads, one genre was really on top of everything else in terms of books available and that genre is of course romance. Romance books are the perfect genre to read this season, they are always so fun and joyful and full of magic. My first suggestions are both by Tessa Bailey, Wreak the Halls and Window Shopping are both cute romance stories that capture the holiday feeling perfectly. Both The Christmas Wish by Lindsey Kelk and A Winter in New York by Josie Silver are great romances that feel like a Hallmark Christmas movie. If you want a small-town winter romance, Snowflakes and Sparkles by Sophie-Leigh Robbins fits this description perfectly and adds a bit more drama to this classic trope. My final romance recommendation is Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, which is another cute romance book to get you in the Christmas feels
Romance books are the perfect genre to read this season, they are always so fun and joyful and full of magic
Finally, I have the Christmas books that don’t really fit into one category, but are still good contenders for your holiday reads. First up is This Winter by Alice Oseman. For all the Heartstopper fans out there, this novella puts the loveable characters of Nick and Charlie in a Christmas setting, but be warned this isn’t a warm happy story like the majority of books on this list. Another suggestion is The Bear and The Nightingale by Katherine Arden, while also not a Christmas book, the vibes of this book establish it as a winter read all throughout. Finally, Stay Another Day by Juno Dawson is set around a family reunion at Christmas and a juicy secret kept between siblings.
So those are my twelve books of Christmas. I hope I’ve inspired you to pick up one of these Christmas reads and get into the Christmas mood with your reading.