Imogen Poyntz-Wright, online science editor, discusses the identification of lucky genes with regards to obesity in humans
Imogen Poyntz-Wright, online science editor, discusses the identification of lucky genes with regards to obesity in humans
Gwellian Page-Gibby discusses recent news from the University of Exeter who have been developing Artificial Intelligence able to predict which patients will develop dementia within 2 years.
Charlie Nadin discusses recent evidence from a study by Seoul National University that shows 85% Dark Chocolate has a positive effect on people’s mood.
Stanley Murphy-Jones discusses the recent Cop26 climate summit and what we can expect the nations of the world to do in the coming years.
Ana Anajuba discusses the recent success of the transplantation of a pig kidney into a human patient, why this process has failed in the past and what the benefits of animal-human organ transplants are.
Katie Jones discusses the recent recommendation by the WHO to roll-out a Malaria Vaccine, how this vaccine will work, how Malaria initially causes disease and what impact this vaccine will have on global health particularly in Africa.
A depression relapse – the problem with coming off anti-depressants Annabel Smith explains the new findings…
University of Exeter leads new research project in treatment of delirium A research programme led by…
Following last issue’s exploration into students experiences of in-person and online teaching, Exeposé spoke to lecturers…
Exeter University researches developing AI that can reveal climate change tipping points A new AI program…
Imogen Poyntz-Wright, online science editor, discusses the identification of lucky genes with regards to obesity in humans
Gwellian Page-Gibby discusses recent news from the University of Exeter who have been developing Artificial Intelligence able to predict which patients will develop dementia within 2 years.
Charlie Nadin discusses recent evidence from a study by Seoul National University that shows 85% Dark Chocolate has a positive effect on people’s mood.
Stanley Murphy-Jones discusses the recent Cop26 climate summit and what we can expect the nations of the world to do in the coming years.
Ana Anajuba discusses the recent success of the transplantation of a pig kidney into a human patient, why this process has failed in the past and what the benefits of animal-human organ transplants are.
Katie Jones discusses the recent recommendation by the WHO to roll-out a Malaria Vaccine, how this vaccine will work, how Malaria initially causes disease and what impact this vaccine will have on global health particularly in Africa.
A depression relapse – the problem with coming off anti-depressants Annabel Smith explains the new findings…
University of Exeter leads new research project in treatment of delirium A research programme led by…
Following last issue’s exploration into students experiences of in-person and online teaching, Exeposé spoke to lecturers…
Exeter University researches developing AI that can reveal climate change tipping points A new AI program…
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