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Guild Elections Profiles: Shadow Council

5 mins read
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Harry Burton

Exeposé reached out to Harry for comment, but has yet to receive a response

Check out Harry’s manifesto here: https://www.exeterguild.org/altelections/manifesto/8298/

Megan Davies

I am a second-year English student who is Welsh/German/raised in Switzerland (it’s confusing). I’m news editor for Exeposé, which is what got me interested in Shadow Council in the first place, and when I get the time I’m on Welcome Team or I dance latin and ballroom.

What would make you a good Shadow Councillor? I’m keen, I’ve got some experience with Exeposé and Welcome Team, and my mum says I’d be good.

Why do you want to run for Shadow Council? I want to run for Shadow Council because to me it is an ideal way of getting involved with the Guild and because I think it is important that the Sabbs be held to account over their promises.

Which manifesto point do you believe should be the number 1 priority for each sabbatical officer? Shades’ most important promises are those relating to international students – she is in a unique position where she’s got the experience of being DVP International and the power as Guild President to make a change. Becca’s manifesto includes improving accessibility in societies and Guild spaces, which should be high on her priorities so that every student can enjoy their time at university as much as possible. Bry’s priority should be improving the mitigation system – but even then, she needs to make sure that a centralised system doesn’t mean a fall in quality or more admin. The goal should be to make the process as easy and pain-free as possible. Kat’s manifesto touches on affordable accommodation, and I think that this should be her number one priority – finding accommodation is incredibly stressful and high price tags shouldn’t be be making anyone’s life any more difficult.

Check out Megan’s manifesto here: https://www.exeterguild.org/altelections/manifesto/8297/

Dan Easterbrook

I’m a first year Politics student and I am currently serving in the Politics SSLC. I hope to pursue a career in the public sector after graduating. In my free time, of which there is often little, I like to relax with my flatmates.

What would make you a good Shadow Councillor? My ability to listen will enable be to shadow and scrutinise effectively. Furthermore, I am incredibly organised having served as VP for Education and as Secretary for the SU in Sixth Form. In using these skills, I will be able to ensure that the Sabbs are being as effective as possible, as well as ensuring I am up to date with the goings on of the Guild and that I am able to respond effectively.

Why do you want to run for Shadow Council? I am running for Shadow Council so that I can support the work of the Guild and ensure that all students are represented effectively. I feel that this is especially important given the turbulent political times facing HE, the Guild needs to be able to respond to these changes and ensure students voices are heard as effectively as possible.

Which manifesto point do you believe should be the number 1 priority for each sabbatical officer? Shades – Student Engagement with the Guild (Elections, Student Idea etc). Becca – Online Volunteering Log and Media Independence. Bryony – Accountability of TEF and Tuition Fees. Kat – Diversity Training. Malaka & Caitlin – Raising the profile of the Guild and its function among PG Students – to ensure they are better supported.

Check out Dan’s manifesto here: https://www.exeterguild.org/altelections/manifesto/8296/

Andrew Sin
An university student with a passion to ensure that people fulfill their promises.

What would make you a good Shadow Councillor? The role as a Councillor is do be your policeman by ensuring that those elected do as their manifesto. I believe that i can do just that.

Why do you want to run for Shadow Council? Having attended a number of elections since my youth, one of the most commonly done things is to make unattainable promises to the electorate. I am therefore running for this position because i want all of us to see the fulfillment of promises that were made in the past.

Which manifesto point do you believe should be the number 1 priority for each sabbatical officer? International student support. as an international student, i understand the anguish that international students feel at times. The homesickness can be rather depressing being alone in a foreign land. Therefore, i feel it is necessary for additional support to ensure that both international students and domestic students do not have to suffer in silence.

Check out Andrew’s manifesto here: https://www.exeterguild.org/altelections/manifesto/8324/

Voting for Shadow Council, NUS Delegates and other roles is open until midnight on Thursday. Check out www.exeterguild.org/change/elections for more details.

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