Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII
Home Lifestyle Helpful resolutions: Go Outdoors

Helpful resolutions: Go Outdoors

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In order to improve my mental health and work on my relationship with exercise this year, I’ve made a resolution to go outside more. The aim is to do at least one outdoor activity per week and leave my phone at home for that time. I’ve found over the last few years that going on long walks is one of the few things I can do that completely stops me from looking at a screen, and helps me to clear my head. It is also one of few hobbies I have that does not involved a constant intake of information. It’s a rare form of exercise that I do just because I enjoy it, rather than because of how many calories it burns, and therefore feels like a reward rather than a punishment, which is exactly what I think New Year’s Resolutions should be about.

Growing up, I was dragged on countryside walks at least once per weekend with my family and, although I kicked up a fuss about it at the time, putting on my walking boots and raincoat and climbing up a massive hill for the sake of it now gives me a warm sense of nostalgia and satisfaction. I’m hoping this resolution will help me to get back a sense of adventure and let me make the most of Devon in my last few months in Exeter.

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