Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII
Home Comment The end is nigh – about to gradu-ache

The end is nigh – about to gradu-ache

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I MUST admit, I have been guilty of watching the weeks left of term decrease this side of Christmas. It’s a strange one as term two always feels longer than its predecessor due to the absence of reading week, yet simultaneously seems to fly by as quickly as the others. Most importantly, like for many other undergraduates, this term is my last of lectures and seminars at Exeter before graduating. I have mixed feelings about graduating. As someone who has an MA lined up for the autumn and four years at Exeter under my belt, I’m often torn between feeling as though I’ve gotten the most out of my time as an undergraduate and a little sad at the prospect of leaving Exeter in a few months.

On paper, three years studying two subjects, two years on a committee, a year abroad and a dabble in the world of juggling three subjects with Flexible Combined Honours would hint that I’m ready to move on, but that’s easier said than done. Knowing that you won’t be around the corner from some of your closest friends, favourite Devon spots or even in the comfortable familiarity of the daily routine as an Exeter student can be daunting after several years of enjoying it as much as I (luckily) have done.

Of course, there are times when being a student is tough, but I think we can all sometimes be guilty of looking back with rose-tinted glasses.

Similarly, it’s easy to get swept up in deadlines and reading and forget the parts you’re enjoying and are grateful for, which is something I’ve been trying to combat in my last year here.

The day of graduation also promises to be a good one, where your success and hard work is celebrated with friends, family and others who have supported you along the way. Whilst it may be bittersweet, it is likely to be a good note to end things on, and of course, the beauty of social media means it’s easy to stay in contact with those you’ve met and there’s nothing to say that popping back to Exeter for a day or two is out of the question in the future.

When I do leave after graduating, however, I definitely think I’ll be reflecting on the last four years and how differently I feel after life as a student. I’m extremely fortunate and grateful for everything I’ve experienced and everyone I’ve met – all of which got me through to today, and I’ll always have a soft spot for Exeter as a result. Bleed green forever, right?

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