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Home Lifestyle Winter Warmers: The Perfect Homemade Hot Chocolate

Winter Warmers: The Perfect Homemade Hot Chocolate

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Winter Warmers: The Perfect Homemade Hot Chocolate

Jo Leyland takes us through her simply perfect homemade chocolate for those cosy nights in

If you think you’ve had a PERFECT homemade hot chocolate, please let me introduce you to the perfect recipe, which blends ease with a spectacular result! No more saucepans full of milk, no more overpriced stubbornly not melting chocolate sticks and definitely no hot water with a hint of chocolate.

You will need:

  • Instant hot chocolate powder (no this is not cheating)
  • Milk of your choice (it works will all types!)
  • Boiling water (I typically use a kettle, but do whatever works)

Step one: Start boiling the water.

Step two: Add four HEAPED teaspoons of hot chocolate powder to a mug, go big or go home, this should fill up slightly under a third of the mug.

Step three: Add a splash of milk and start mixing, keep adding milk until it resembles a smooth texture in between syrup and paste consistency.

Step four: Pour in the boiling water, stirring as you go. It should create a foamy top, like you put effort into foaming the milk, but we didn’t!

Step five: Either drink it straight off as you have made perfection, or you could embellish with marshmallows, cream or a fancy dusting of cocoa powder.

Now go out and spread your newfound prowess into the world, as you are now a hot chocolate expert, armed with the skills to impress with a perfect staying-in party trick, or just a new way to relax and warm up on the long winter evenings to come. You have been saved from braving the cold in a long trudge to a café on a winter morning, as you have got all you need at home.

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