Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

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Home Lifestyle How to avoid the summer slump

How to avoid the summer slump

Lucy Evans and Charlie Carter discuss some activities that can get you out of a summer slump.
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How to avoid the summer slump

Legs in a glistening pool and a beach hat covering a face showing one of several summer activities
Image: Unsplash, Angelo Pantazis

Lucy Evans discusses some simple summer activities to do when feeling burnt out from the stressful exam period.

Now that the busy first few weeks of term three are over, dissertations are handed in, and final exams have been sat, Exeter students can finally enjoy summer. Except we’re all too exhausted and burnt out from that intense assessment period, and it’s not quite sunny enough yet for our much beloved lazy days on Exmouth beach.

Instead, try some low energy, indoor activities so that your Exeter summer is still fun and not wasted away waiting for the sun to come out. One of my favourite activities is scrapbooking. If you’ve just finished your degree, or even if you’re celebrating the end of first or second year, creating a scrapbook full of photos, memories and event tickets (if you’ve saved any) is a great way to collate your favourite moments. You can look back on your time at Exeter with fondness whilst also staying busy in this post-exam daze. Print out some photos, grab some washi tape, stickers and any memorabilia you’ve collected throughout the year and get started!

Creating a scrapbook full of photos, memories and event tickets (if you’ve saved any) is a great way to collate your favourite moments.

As an English student, I must also suggest reading as your summer slump activity. It’s low effort and can be done whilst sunbathing, a win-win for everyone. Is there a book you’ve been itching to read throughout the year that your degree got in the way of, or do you want to get reading the latest BookTok favourite? This post-exam period is the perfect time to start ticking off your TBR. Once Exmouth trips become a feasible option, you can always bring your latest read along with you.

This post-exam period is the perfect time to start ticking off your TBR.

If you’re looking to push yourself a bit further, why not explore Devon or the surrounding Exeter area a bit more? We live in such a good area for walking and exploring Devon might be the perfect way to break you out of your summer slump, but only if you can manage to persuade the housemate with the car to drive you to Dartmoor for the day.

Charlie Carter counts down five summer activities to do when you’ve got a bit more get up and go.

Summer in Exeter is what we all come to the Uni for, really. There’s something for everyone in this city if you just know where to look! Relaxation post-examination is key for mental and physical health, so take a look through these top 5 ways to get down in Devon and stop that summer slump:


Can you really call yourself an Exeter student if you haven’t gone sunbathing by the cathedral at least once? It comes highly recommended alongside a meal deal with a mate – just don’t let the seagulls get too close!


Exmouth is certainly a fan favourite, but it is important not to overlook some of the other beaches nearby – spice it up a bit and take the train to Dawlish Warren, the bus to Sidmouth, or even carpool down to Blackpool Sands with friends for a cheeky BBQ!


If you haven’t been to Dartmoor since starting uni, there’s no better time to go exploring than summer! Whether your thing is climbing Tors, petting ponies, swimming in springs, Sunday roasts or stargazing from your own tent, Dartmoor never misses! Just watch out for those little red flags on the hills…


Pennywell farm is a day out that’s well worth every penny. For only 15 pounds (student discount, of course!) you can get in touch with Exeter’s rural roots and spend the day feeding/hanging out with goats, pigs, donkeys, mice, rabbits…you name it, they’ve got it!


It’s easy to take Exeter’s green spaces for granted – but don’t! They’re scattered all over the city: Belmont Park near Mt Pleasant Road, the East Park hill near campus, Northernhay gardens in town… get some mates together and hit the parks this summer for football games, sunbathing, slip n slides; the limit is your imagination (and budget!)…

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