Tops tips for when the “end of term cold” strikes

Daisy Scott, Online deputy editor, highlights some useful remedies for that “end of term cold” for anyone that needs that last push before the holidays.
It’s that time of year again. It’s nearing the end of term, we are all drowning in work from looming deadlines, using every hour of the day to try to get everything done and then we get struck down by a cold!
As a fourth-year student who has suffered from the “end of term cold” every year at uni, I have my own collection of things that help me get to the end of term and get through my work when I really don’t want to – you can also use these at any point when you get ill, it’s not just Christmas 🙂 –
Vitamins/ Medicine Box – We should all expect that we are going to feel unwell at some point towards the end of term, but no one is really prepared for when it strikes. After my first stint of the “end of term cold”, I knew that I had to be more prepared. Throughout first term I try to take Vitamin C daily to boost my immune systems response. Then I always try to have painkillers, Lemsip and throat sweets in a medicine box for when illness strikes!
I always try to have painkillers, Lemsip and throat sweets in a medicine box for when illness strikes!
Food – I always have some portions of my favourite food in the freezer at any time in term. If you are unwell, you want something easy that might make you feel that little bit happier and more productive.
Exercise – However much you might feel that you really do not want to get out of your bed, I have found that even the smallest amount of exercise (preferably outside if I can) always makes you feel slightly better. If you really do not want to go outside, then you can just do a stretch in your room.
Comfy environment – It might make you feel like you want to sleep, but when you are not feeling well, studying in a comfy place can make you do more than at your desk. I am usually a person who cannot work in bed but when I feel unwell, I curl up in bed with a Lemsip and my laptop and try to do even a tiny bit of work (but do not stress yourself out if it does not happen).
It might make you feel like you want to sleep, but when you are not feeling well, studying in a comfy place can make you do more than at your desk.
These tips will not magically cure illnesses (do not ignore these!) but can help getting through the common “end of term cold” so you can get your work done and make it through to the Christmas holiday.