Technology forms a large part of university life. It covers both your workspaces and also the ways you socialise and get to know the community. This collection of apps provides you with the essentials to breeze through university life at just the click of a button:
Some apps are Exeter-specific, tailored to you and your time in the city and on campus too:
iExeter – this is your go-to app for all things uni-life, whether that be more academically focussed, such as viewing your timetable, or more lifestyle centred, such as reading up about sustainability and welfare on campus.
SafeZone – you can report incidences, call for first aid, contact emergency services, and even be connected straight to the university’s Estate Patrol, which makes calling for help fast and easy.
Other apps can be utilised for academic purposes:
Microsoft Teams – this is a practical way to talk to lecturers or classmates in the virtual world, providing a professional environment that many are acclimatised to using since the pandemic.
Duolingo – languages are an invaluable skill to have in the modern workspace and keeping up any languages you may have previously learnt at school or college with Duolingo is a fun way to nurture these skills.
Of course, apps can have a non-academic purpose:
Facebook – this is where most societies liaise with their members. Socials, sport competitions, news etc can all be advertised in this space. It’s also a great way to connect with people with similar interests and chat to your community. Overheard is a large student community on Facebook that can be used to buy/sell tickets and other items as well as providing a lost and found platform; events are often posted here too. You can even look for accommodation or for people to live in a student house with after first year!
FIXR – looking for an unforgettable night out? FIXR is the place to be. By using your location, it can filter down events in the city so you can buy tickets to a whole host of events.
So, quite clearly, university life is at your fingertips.