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Home News Dead Deer carried through Exeter Uni Campus

Dead Deer carried through Exeter Uni Campus

Judy Dodd reports exclusive information provided to Exeposé regarding the recent parading of a dead deer through campus.
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Image via Albert Bridge, Wikimedia Commons

Trigger Warning: content references animal cruelty, and contains related images which some readers may find distressing

Exeposé has received an exclusive tip from an anonymous student regarding the expansive reports of two fresher University of Exeter students carrying a dead deer through campus. This anonymous source has shared that the freshers behind the dead deer allegedly have connections to Shooting Society and Exeter University Conservative Society (EUCA). The source reveals that the two “did not care” and “bragged about [the instance] in their flat group chat entitled ‘fresh meat'”. Officials within EUCA have “attempted to privately defend their behaviour”. For legal reasons, Exeposé can not reveal the names of the students involved.

Parents in an online Facebook Group entitled “Parents and Carers of Students at the University of Exeter” posted an image of a text message to “make people aware” of the incident. The image reads “My son has just rung to say that armed police are outside…of Birks Grange.” They add “Apparently there are students in [their blocks] with guns and knives” and that parents “might want to check that your sons or daughters are okay as it must be really scary.”

Image provided by an anonymous source that depicts the Facebook Group “Parents and Carers of Students at the University of Exeter”

A month ago, rumours started spreading regarding two Exeter University students allegedly carrying a dead deer around campus. In the video that was circulated, a male student wearing a tweed jacket and chinos was carrying the animal over his shoulders. A second boy matched his description with him, and a female student took the video. On the university students’ Facebook group (“Overheard”), one student anonymously stated that they had seen the group walking through the forum on the 19th of January with a “headless, legless deer” and asked for them to explain themselves.

Another video shared by the anonymous source showcases the pair dancing to John Newman’s “Love Me Again” in their accommodation following their carrying of the deer on campus.

Image via Facebook group, “Overheard”

Concerns arose regarding the origin of the deer, as there was suspicion it might have come from the woodlands near New North Road, on the west side of campus, where deer sightings are common. In the video, the students could be seen carrying the deer through a central Exeter University building on Streatham Campus, the Forum.

When asked by Exeposé for comment on the issue, an Exeter university spokesperson stated: “We have been informed that two students purchased a dead deer as venison from a game dealer and brought it onto campus to their residence. We have investigated the incident and spoken to the students involved as well as offered support to students who raised concerns. We have not concluded every aspect of the investigation so will not comment further at this stage”.

We have not concluded every aspect of the investigation so will not comment further at this stage

Exeter University spokesperson

The RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has started an independent investigation into the matter in collaboration with the police, not yet ruling out potential illegal activities.

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