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Home Sci-Tech Productivity Apps – Life-changing or a Waste of Time

Productivity Apps – Life-changing or a Waste of Time

Rhianne Talling talks productivity apps - are they really the cure to our constant procrastination?
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A student studying (Ling App via Unsplash)

As students, we’re all looking for ways to improve our productivity, and force ourselves to study. From Trello to Flora, there’s no style of productivity app that hasn’t been tried, if not by you, then at least by someone you know. With a range of new study techniques being researched for maximum productivity, there are more ways for these apps to sell themselves to students than ever before. That then begs the question, how effective are these apps?

From Trello to Flora, there’s no style of productivity app that hasn’t been tried, if not by you, then at least by someone you know.

With the range of study apps available, there’s a study app for every technique or need you might have, whether it uses the scientifically backed pomodoro technique or prevents you from using a set few apps on your phone. With these, the argument can be made that they are relatively effective as they use researched methods to maximise productivity, as well as taking measures to ensure that you are actually using the time to be productive.

That being said, there are numerous apps that do not restrict access to other applications and do little more than just time your studying. These study apps also do not account for external distractions, such as conversations with friends, noise, or distractions on alternative devices. For that reason, these apps may be less productive, especially for those who are prone to distractions.

Another issue with productivity apps is that they are sold on the idea that if you cannot focus and be the most productive you can be whilst using the app, then the problem is you, which can be problematic for anyone who struggles with attention spans and focus.

Whether productivity and study apps are life-changing or oversold comes down to the individual. For some people, they may be the best way to get things done, whether it’s through the organisation of creating to-do lists, or through timers. However, there are some issues that simply make the app ineffective for people who are easily distracted or struggle with focus.

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