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University of Exeter, Devon

Archive 2021

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Articles Published in 2021

Lauren Haughey comments on the recent attempted coup of Capitol Hill as a reminder of racial disparities and weak democracy
Maggie John reveals her Arts and Lit resolutions for the New Year, inspiring us to enrich our lives in the coming year.
Joe Anthony takes a look at some of the major sporting events to take place this summer. Could it be the biggest and best yet?
Will Thornton reviews Madlib's latest single 'Hopprock'
Floris de Bruin explores sad music and why we listen to it.
Local artist, Molly Rooke talks to Exeposé about her postponed exhibition at Exeter Phoenix and how the environment is at the top of her artistic agenda
As the editors of Russell Group student newspapers, we are writing collectively to request a reversal of the Russell Group’s statement, 7 January 2020, ‘on ensuring fair assessment and protecting the integrity of degrees.’
Henry Hood takes a look at the rise of celebrity boxing matches and whether it undermines the training and dedication that professional boxers put into their craft?

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