University of Exeter, Devon

Archive 2022

by victoria
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Articles Published in 2022

Jamie Speka delves into the complex issues behind the American housing crisis and the resulting state migration phenomenon.
Sophia Mykhaylyuk envisions a terrifying new world where the University of Exeter scraps the January exams and moves it forward to Christmas!
After veteran driver Sebastian Vettel announced this will be his final season in Formula 1, our writer Harry Craig takes a look back over his greatest moments, and forward to the legacy he will leave behind.
As university budgets are stretched to their limits, there are now fears that apparent plans to limit the number of international students in future years could bring universities to the brink of bankruptcy.
To improve safety in the city, a new Safe Space has been opened to provide a place for access to help and resources on nights out.
An analysis of urban environments conducted by Sheffield University declared that Exeter is the ‘greenest’ city centre in Britain, based on its abundance of trees and park coverage. 
The University of Exeter Business School has been named Business School of the Year in the Times Higher Education Awards 2022.
Toby Davies investigates the controversies surrounding the 2022 Qatar World Cup and the consequences of the world's reaction to the spectacle of football.
Daisy Scott, online deputy editor, highlights some useful remedies for that "end of term cold" for anyone that needs that last push before the holidays.
Rahul Anand discusses the potential use of probiotics in aiding weight loss among the clinically obese.

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