Student loan day. The most sacred date in every student’s calendar by a mile. You’ve already…
Student loan day. The most sacred date in every student’s calendar by a mile. You’ve already…
Imagine for a second, a world where you never hear the metal ding of a dropped…
I’m writing this in a state of nausea; an effect of the post-exposure HIV medication which I have…
Picture the scene. It’s 1 November and you are walking back to your flat, minding your…
In the 2017 Exeter University Prospectus, students are greeted by the promise: “We are committed to…
I ‘ll be honest, my bank account isn’t looking great right now. And it’s only in…
As a first year who lived in catered halls, the only money I needed was for…
Student loan day. The most sacred date in every student’s calendar by a mile. You’ve already…
Imagine for a second, a world where you never hear the metal ding of a dropped…
I’m writing this in a state of nausea; an effect of the post-exposure HIV medication which I have…
Picture the scene. It’s 1 November and you are walking back to your flat, minding your…
In the 2017 Exeter University Prospectus, students are greeted by the promise: “We are committed to…
I ‘ll be honest, my bank account isn’t looking great right now. And it’s only in…
As a first year who lived in catered halls, the only money I needed was for…
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