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Home News Exeter Islamic Soc hosts Charity Week for Syria relief

Exeter Islamic Soc hosts Charity Week for Syria relief

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The Islamic Society at Exeter University are hosting Charity Week 2016, an annual week of events inspired by the work of Islamic Relief UK.

The society will be hosting various activities from the 31 October – 6 November, including cake stalls, henna, FIFA tournaments, a Bake-Off evening and a charity dinner at the end of the week.

Proceeds will be donated to Islamic Relief for a number of urgent causes around the globe, including the construction of healthcare and educational facilities in Syria and Gaza respectively. The group’s target is to raise £5000, which would top last year’s total of £3000.

Yacob Abdul Aleem, Treasurer of the Islamic Society at Exeter, told Exeposé:

“This Charity Week will be our third and we’re doing this to raise money for the educational and healthcare projects and bring awareness to the issues in places like Gaza and Bangladesh.

All of us believe that we can make a positive impact to the lives of the children and youth with the money we raise. Personally, as a treasurer, every penny counts and goes a long way. If we don’t give, then who will?”

Go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CharityWeek/ for more information on events and how you can get involved.

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