Exeter, Devon UK • Jul 27, 2024 • VOL XII

Exeter, Devon UK • [date-today] • VOL XII
Home LifestyleCulture Halloween Fights Plastic

Halloween Fights Plastic

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Halloween Fights Plastic

Paige Insalaco advises us on how to have a sustainable Halloween

I think we can all agree that Halloween is one of the most entertaining holidays we partake in, however, the sustainability of the tradition is being called into question given the current climate crisis we’re in. 

One of the most iconic elements of Halloween, pumpkin carving, is actually one of the most wasteful. Although a provider of entertainment for all ages, the tradition results in 18,000 tonnes of pumpkins being sent to landfill every year. Although they’re biodegradable, this is incredibly wasteful especially given that 12.9% of the population are malnourished. To overcome this and lessen the impact on the environment, pumpkins can be composted and the insides can be used for a variety of different recipes (a personal favourite is pumpkin ravioli). 

Just a few simple switches won’t alter the fun of the night but could make a very big difference to the strain being placed on the environment

Although switching from cheap costumes and utilising the entire pumpkin will make a difference to the environment this year, one of the easiest ways to avoid waste is to avoid Halloween decorations made from cheap plastics. I’ll admit I was a perpetrator of cheap decorations last year as I forced everyone in my flat to get into the Halloween spirit but these decorations are usually made from non-recyclable plastics and the batteries needed for them are also almost never recycled.

To avoid this, make sure to keep any decorations and you have and make use of them again this year and in the future. A festive environment can still be created by using natural or recyclable materials such as using pine cones. For DIY ideas, I would suggest turning to trusty Pinterest for inspiration and more ways to have more sustainable fun. 

Being sustainable doesn’t have to be boring and the spirit of Halloween can still be kept alive by switching to alternative methods of celebrating. Just a few simple switches won’t alter the fun of the night but could make a very big difference to the strain being placed on the environment.

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