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New Year, New Me?

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New Year, New Me?

Sophie Stoakes weighs in on the success rate of New Year’s Resolutions

I love New Year’s Resolutions. The new year, and in this case new decade, brings with it the promise of a fresh start and a renewed sense of optimism and positivity; the sky is the limit with possibilities on what you could achieve this year. Whether you’ve been meaning to improve your fitness, live more environmentally friendly or just be more adventurous, it the time to start realising your best life. There exists this sense that people worldwide can all unite in an effort to nurture and improve certain aspects of our lives. We are all a work-in-progress and are continually growing as people and without goals, be they small or big, it can be easy to remain comfortable but stagnant. I truly believe that evaluating yourself at the beginning of the year, making a game plan of how to continue, is a recipe for success in both your personal and academic/professional lives. 

And if you fall off the wagon, never ye fear; collect yourself for a moment and jump right back on

Many people who choose not to make any resolutions perhaps do this because they fear the disheartenment that comes from the ‘failure’ of not being able to follow through. But research from the University of Scranton shows that people who are successful at sticking to long-term resolutions tend to slip up at least fourteen times, with the majority saying these mistakes actually strengthened their desire to achieve their goals. So, if you’re still unsure about whether to make any resolutions, take the plunge! The worst that could happen is that you are exactly where you are now this time next year. 

Now is the perfect time to start putting resolutions into effect as the dust has settled after the festive season and most of us are back into a routine again. It is also important not to just come up with a huge goal and leave it at that. Instead, make sure you write down this goal alongside a bunch of smaller goals, and even a rough time frame if you’re feeling really organised! Really think about why you’ve chosen your resolutions and what you will need to do or change to get there. And if you fall off the wagon, never ye fear; collect yourself for a moment and jump right back on. Remember, this is your year.

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