The Lifestyle Team in Lockdown

Our Lifestyle Team give us an insight into their lives in lockdown
So tell us a little bit about yourself?
Georgia: Hey! I’m Georgia and I’m a third (going on fourth) year BSC Politics and International Relations student! I’m cooped up with my nearest and dearest on an island on the South Coast!

Ceri: Hi! I’m Ceri and I’m going into the final year of my BA in English! Currently, I’m in lockdown in Gloucestershire with my family.

Freya: Hi, I’m Freya and I’m a third (going on fourth) year Arabic and Islamic studies student. At the moment I’m in lockdown in Devon with my parents and dog.

Elinor: Hey! I’m El and I’m just finishing my final year BSc Medical Sciences and about to start a PhD in September. I’m currently in lockdown in South Devon with my parents and my dog.

How are you coping with lockdown?
Georgia: I have my good days and my bad days as I’m sure we all do. I’ve devised myself a little routine and that’s been really beneficial as it’s given me some much needed structure! Meeting up with pals for beach walks has given me a much needed boost recently too. My friends are my absolute everything, and they make me smile everyday.
Ceri: As someone who relies so heavily on human interaction to remain sane, the lockdown has proved to be a struggle. I never thought I would say this, but exams have been a lifesaver in terms of having something to work towards each day. Having fake pub trips on facetime with friends has also been essential, particularly when it is so warm and I would rather be in a spoons beer garden.
Freya: Aside from missing my friends, I’ve been loving being at home and getting to spend time with my parents, doing some uni work, getting artsy, and exploring the Devon countryside near my home! After having my year abroad in Jordan last year, third year has been a welcome change of pace, and I’ve loved being at home enjoying the sun – with revision only occasionally getting in the way of my (safely sunscreened) sun worship.
Elinor: I’ve never been so grateful to have coursework and revision, something that has set a bit of structure to my days. I’ve developed considerable anxiety due to lockdown, but going for walks, spending quality time with my family and calls with friends have kept me going when things feel tough.
Have you bought or discovered anything weird and wonderful since lockdown started?
Georgia: I have invested in a mini fitness trampoline, and I absolutely love it. I blast out some cheesy tunes and I’m happy as Larry for a good hour. My neighbour actually joins in the dancing with us too, she absolutely loves it and her smile alone is worth the rogue purchase. Also it’s a huge bonus that the dog appreciates it too.

Ceri: Like many of us, I buckled under the pressure and bought Animal Crossing New Horizons, and honestly I am addicted. Looking after my island each day has teleported me back to being 9 and playing on my Nintendo DS. In terms of actually being productive, I have been working on my digital art skills.
Freya: Thanks to lockdown I’ve developed an intense addiction to Ebay; the weird and wonderful second hand fashion pieces have really changed my life for the better. Ordinarily I rely on charity shop trips to hunt for fun clothes, but rediscovering Ebay has really broadened my horizons – I’ll never look back.
Elinor: Moving back in with my family, I’ve rediscovered some absolute treasures like my diary written aged 13. Heartfelt and raw, I’m pretty sure I could sell that to a publisher and make a tonne of money.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you go?

Georgia: If Corona magically disappeared, I’d jump on a flight to Melbourne and travel the East Coast of Australia. Travelling is such an enriching experience and I’m gutted that the pandemic screwed up my plans.
Ceri: Anywhere I could be with my friends, sat in the sun, with maybe a few cheeky beers. Following this experience, I feel a new appreciation for time spent with friends and freedom, and I vow never to opt for Netflix in bed over a social event again (she says now…).
Freya: If I could be anywhere then it would definitely be a 5 star hotel by the beach, I don’t really mind where as long as my friends are there, there’s a spa, some wine and we don’t have to pay.
Elinor: Ever ‘Bleeding Green’, I would be back in Exeter like a shot as my boyfriend and most of my closest friends are all in lockdown there. Besides my family, my friends are the people that boost me, whom I surround myself with when I need it most, and are in a city that has held so many memories.
What are your aims and ambitions for this year’s lifestyle section?
Georgia: One of my aims is to produce content on local travel in and around Exeter, I believe that the pandemic has given us a greater appreciation for our nearby surroundings and it would be great for this to continue when we all return to Exeter. Another ambition of mine is to get more guys writing for Lifestyle, I think a lot of Lifestyle content is written from a female perspective and I would love to include a more diverse range of viewpoints!
Ceri: Mental-health and wellbeing will always be my main priorities and I hope to bring more content related to this to the section this year. Feminism and representation for everyone are also incredibly important, and I believe this to be the perfect platform to spread awareness for all. Be this via the promotion of the removal of the stigma around sex and periods for women, or issues of toxic masculinity for male readers.
Freya: Fashion!! Exeposé has always provided fantastic coverage of beauty and fashion, and I want to keep expanding on this aspect of the Lifestyle section. I absolutely love fashion and the power it provides for personal expression and fanciful fun, so I hope to encourage more writers to come forward and show off their personal style, while also looking outside of Exeter!
Elinor: I would equally like to diversify Lifestyle, opening it up to discuss issues affecting a wider audience. I want to promote the message that Exeposé is a space for everyone to explore both difficult and fun aspects of student life, as well as broader societal trends and challenges.