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Fruit Corner – watermelon

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Summery and colourful, the watermelon is the emperor of fruits. The combination of its juicy reddish-pink interior and green rind is aesthetically pleasing and tasty, not to mention useful – who doesn’t love a fruit with a built-in grip to hold? The flavour is both refreshing and nostalgic, since the actual fruit itself is super juicy, and there’s a lot of fantastic sweets based off it (eg. Toxic Waste/Haribo fizzy watermelon slices).

Aside from its fresh taste, the watermelon boasts a lot of health benefits: it’s obviously mostly water, which is good if, like me, you have trouble hydrating yourself the normal way. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin A, B6, and C (not that I know what any of that means, but it sounds impressive), so you’ll know that with every mouth-watering bite you’re actually contributing to your wellbeing.

More than anything else, the watermelon is extremely versatile: you can enjoy it cubed, in slices, as a cute pattern on your socks, or even as a cocktail – just cut it open, combine the pulp with vodka/mixer and blend! The watermelon’s shape even allows you to use it as a bowl so you can share your fun pink cocktail with your friends. Rather than viewing its large size and various seeds as flaws, the watermelon should be seen as it truly is: a challenging fruit that unites all. The watermelon should be celebrated and shared, and the experience of carving it up with your flatmates is one I would definitely recommend.

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