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Articles Published in 2022
Charlie Gershinson analyses the players that serve as the impetus for the first RCN national strike since it's inception 106 years ago.
Amy Rushton deciphers the decision that FIFA and the FA have made by banning One Love Armbands in Quatar.
Approximately 130 students allocated rooms in block A and B of Hill View wouldn't be able to move into the new accommodation till October 22nd.
Josie Sharp discusses the 'Justice Pour Lola' protests, and sheds light on how right-wing French political parties are exploiting the death of a 12-year-old girl as fuel for anti-immigration discourse.
Jess Cadogan sings the praises of Sebastian Lelio's psychological thriller The Wonder, with Florence Pugh giving a reliable excellent performance
Despite its historical inaccuracies, Shagnick Bhattacharya has a good time with this historical action drama, led by an excellent Viola Davis
Imogen Poyntz-Wright, science editor, discusses how scientists discovered that Greenlands ice caps are causing sea levels to rise much faster than expected.
Writer Harry Craig reviews rock album Hot Fuss- written by one of the most popular rock bands of all time, The Killers.
Elizabeth Barber delves into online privacy- sharing some helpful tips to remain incognito on the internet.
Matt Hancock and I’m a Celebrity: where to next?