Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Rachel Bulman reviews Exeter Northcott and Le Navet Bete’s production of Cinderella
Writers are coming out of their shells and making the most of what social media can offer. Gwenllian Page-Gibby discusses this phenomenon, and how it might influence our taste in books.
YA keeps its finger on the pulse of teenage trends. However, what might have appealed to us in our youth can seem cringeworthy now. Nonetheless, Tabitha Hannam revisits some of her favourite YA novels despite their questionable tropes.
Review: Black Is The Color Of My Voice Online Music Editor, Tom Bosher, reviews Apphia Campbell’s…
Fisayo Amodu discusses pseudonyms and their impact on the art world.
Cat Stone overviews the very first novel, The Tale of Genji, and it’s cultural impact.
Jessica Holifield commemorates Women’s History Month by celebrating women’s contribution to literature. Who are the female literary greats and why?
Rhian Hutchings reminisces on family photographs, and the sentimental value they have for us in lockdown.
Daisy Leason discusses the controversial nature of art and whether it is susceptible to ‘cancel culture’.…
Courtney Priday discusses The Future Library and what it means for the present literary world and in the future.
Emma Vernon explores the insurgent nature of art meandering through the most notorious historical revolutions
In a collaboration between music and arts and lit sections, Tom Bosher and Yudy Wu look at iconic album covers
Anna Romanovska tackles the issue of the pro-democracy protests though the Stand with Hong Kong art…
Elinor Jones explores the genre of science-fiction and how it has often predicted future scientific advances.
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