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Articles Published in 2023
Gracie Moore, Online Arts+Lit Editor, reports on another instance of the Taliban regime denying women their right to education.
Spotlighting a film from her hometown in Essex, Lisette Reed, Print Comment Editor, discusses the importance of honest portrayals of working class people.
Lauren Walsh, Print Arts and Lit Editor, discusses her love for the classic coming-of-age, and its importance when remembering to have fun once in a while.
Following Azeem Rafiq's experiences of racism during his time playing for Yorkshire County Cricket Club, Ben Scott discusses English cricket's equality, diversity and inclusion problems.
Amber Platel discusses why this book may be the perfect read for commencing the new University year.
Jamie Speka, Editor-in-Chief, follows the murder trial of Brian Jewell and uncovers an alarming number of young homeless people facing the violent conditions of homelessness in Exeter. She asks: when will such a tragedy strike again?
Editor-in-Chief, Jamie Speka, documents the heightening influence of non-affiliated University meme pages that are holding a spotless mirror to Exeter University life.
Online Arts + Lit Editor, Gracie Moore discusses the feeling of FOMO when it comes to going on a year abroad. Her own experiences allow her to suggest different ways one can stay connected with home.
Lucy Facer shares her wisdom on what to realistically expect at university, and what she learned from her experience as a fresher.
A new Section 28?