Sophie Zoltowski explores the story behind the Year of the Dragon and why this particular zodiac is such an important aspect of the Chinese tradition.
As Online Comment Editor for 2024-5, I have always been interested in events happening around the world and our opinion. My Modern Languages degree has enabled me to spend time in both Italy and Spain this year, which has completely broadened my perspectives on topics and left me with some great memories. Most of my interest in languages stems from its links to history and literature, which make up a lot of my chosen modules back at university, where I will now be a 4th year! Aside from my studies, one of my favourite things to do is play tennis, therefore my active role as Vice-Captain for the Exeter Tennis Club last year was extremely fun and fulfilling. I will hopefully return to compete in BUCS matches at Exeter and coach sessions each week, but would also love to try new sports such as netball or swimming. I believe this love for sports will definitely manifest itself every now and again in Comment. I am really looking forward to reading everyone’s articles and finding out more about how we can make a difference in Exeposé this year. Having also studied fine art before university, I would be very keen to incorporate even more creative or visual aspects into the newspaper or hear about any new ideas!
Sophie Zoltowski explores the story behind the Year of the Dragon and why this particular zodiac is such an important aspect of the Chinese tradition.
Sophie Zoltowski explores the story behind the Year of the Dragon and why this particular zodiac is such an important aspect of the Chinese tradition.
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